Nothing there

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Over the next few months I stayed in the studio. I never went back to school and my parents never asked about me or checked to see if I was safe. I would always speek to the boys when they got back from school but would end up going to sleep while they were here and couldn't sleep at night. I stayed in sweatpants and a hoodie barely changing. I did shower but would end up putting the same clothes on.

'Alya we're off to school' Luke says and walks up to me as I lie staring at the ceiling. I put my thumb up and don't love my head. He bends down next to me and moves the hair out of my face, 'what's wrong?'

'You ask me this every morning I'm fine there is nothing wrong, just go to school and let me sleep I'm tired' I snapped at him sitting up. He took a step back and walked off with the boys I could tell he was hurt, 'I-' I say as they walk out but they couldn't hear me. I lie back on the couch and break down crying turning on my side hugging my knees.

I hear the door open and I look up not being able to see threw the tears in my eyes. I wipe my eyes and sit up. I see Luke stood at the door. The others were gone as he lent agains the door. 'I-I'm sorry' I mumble to him.

'Come here' he smiles and puts his arms out. I look at him and don't move as i move my view to the floor. 'Fine I'll come to you' he rolls his eyes. He walks over and kneels down and looks me in the eye and puts his hand on my leg. I glance into his eyes and look the other way. He hugs me as I resist, 'your not resisting a hug' he smiles and picks me up and hugs me tighter as I can't touch the ground. I look him in the eye and hug him back and he puts me down so we are both stood up as he holds me close. Silence. I didn't say anything and nether did he.

I pull away and sit back down and he sits next to me. 'You need to go to school'

'Well I'm not going'


'You need a day out so that's what me and you are doing know'

'No go to school'

'Nope your more important'

I smirk at him as he jumps up and walks over to a box that I kept my clothes in. He looks at me and opens the box. He picks of a pair of baggy jeans and a tight crop top and a white jacket. He those them at me and points to the bathroom. I roll my eyes and walk in to get changed.

I looked at myself in my mirror and looked at my body and almost broke down. I held it in so Luke couldn't hear and wiped a tear from my eye, 'can I have a different top?'


'I-I don't like it'

'Tough I picked it out so you can wear it' he takes a deep breath and walks closer to the door, 'if you get cold you have the jacket' i walk out with a red face and looked at him and back down at my feet. 'Alya' he mumbles worried.

'What' I panic.

'Look at you'

'What's wrong? Am I bulging out of my jeans? Am I uneven?'

He walked up to me and placed his hands on my shoulders to calm me down. 'Alya' he sighs, 'I can see your rib cage'

'Great I knew I was getting fat' I sob wiping a tear from my eye.

'No, no, no' he stops me, 'Alya your not fat you were perfect the way you were what happened?'

'Nothing I just watched what I was eating'

'When was the last time you ate?'

'I don't know like 5 days a go'


'An hour ago'


'3 hours ago'

He doesn't say anything and hugs me and I hug him back. 'Alya that's not healthy' he whispers in my ear.

'How I'm just losing weight?'

'Your losing to much' he says pulling away and picks me and and puts me on the couch, 'that's why your so tired'

'No I'm just not sleeping at night'

'Cause your hungry'


Luke rolls his eyes and looks at me, 'your beautiful you don't need to change'

'I do' I mumble.


'M-my mum' I whisper looking down at my feet dropping my head.

'Your mum?' He asks. I nod my head, 'why?'

'All my life she would call me overweight and I'm finally losing the weight so maybe she might come and check on me or see if I'm okay' I blurt out, 'I just want my mum' I start balling my eyes out and turn to Luke as he hugs me and I berry my head into his chest.

'Do you want to go and see her?' I nod my head, 'come on then' we get up and he holds my hand as we walk out. We get to my house and I go to knock on the door. I hesitate, 'are you sure?' I take a deep breath and knock. There was no answer so I knock again and my mum opens up.

She looks me dead in the eye and looks me up and down in disgust. 'I see your still hanging out with that' I snatch my hand away from Luke and look up at her. 'Why aren't you at school?'

'I can't go back' I mumble.

'Why not?' She starts raising her voice. I mumble. 'What was that!'

'I was almost raped mum!' I shout, 'and you didn't even ring me once to see if I was alright!'

I look at Luke who is stood in shock but can't say anything. I look back at my mum and she has an unreadable expression.

'Maybe you deserved it'

'What do you mean I deserved it?!'

'Maybe you should think twice about being in a band it's karma' I stand there with no word, 'and you still need to loose some weight I keep on letting you off but your just a disobedient daughter!' She slams the door in my face and I feel a tear fall onto my cheek. I look back at Luke and he hugs me and hold me close as we start walking with Luke leading the way.

'Don't listen to her she doesn't deserve you' Luke try's to reassure me. I stay silent. 'Your perfect and I'm sorry that happened to you'

'Thanks' I mumble.

'Is that why you left' he asks. I non my head.

I feel a drop of snow on my hand and look up to the sky and see it's starting to snow. 'Seems like it's  Christmas' I smile and we walk into a coffee shop.

Finally Falling Hard /Luke Patterson X Alya Mercer/ Julie and the phantoms   Where stories live. Discover now