I dont like him

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I started hanging out with the boys a lot more almost everyday they were like family to me. I think my friends were getting jealous because they stopped texting me being petty but I let it slide because I knew everything would be fine when we go back to school. Over the past few months with the boys me and Luke still had our prank wars but that mainly stopped after he put mayonnaise in my donuts. I will never feel the same after that it was traumatising, but they still happen time to time. How do I feel about Luke I mean I still hate him but at the same time I don't know what I would do with out him he's become my best friend I don't want to admit that though. I tell him everything and he always sits there and listens he's amazing. Luckily over the few months everything was going good with my family. Dad hasn't drank in a while mum stopped tormenting Alex and my twin brother finally was happy to be in the house.

My friends Caroline and Maddie asked me to meet up so I accepted obviously I haven't seen them in a while.

I'm not popular but I'm not hated in school it's a good balance I do have a few people who hate and pick on me but I just ignore it. I don't let it get to me- well- no I don't.

I sit on a bench waiting for Caroline and Maddie to show. They were a bit late but oh well I saw them and we went shopping.

I found the cutest short dress ever. 'Guys what do you think?' I ask putting it up to me.

'You look amazing it's would show off your figure' Maddie says.

'Thanks' I say as we continue to walk around. I pick up a pear of heals to match the dress.

'Alya?' Caroline asks.

'Yeh?' I respond looking at a journal.

'Not to be rude but you never where that stuff so why know?' She asks and looks at me and gets excited and turns to Maddie and squeals, 'Alya has a crush!'

'What no I don't!' I testify.

'You do, who is it? Do we know them? Is he cute?' Maddie pesters me.

'I don't have a crush I'm trying a new style' I respond.

'Well I'm having a party on Saturday and I better see him as your date' Caroline smiles and elbows be in the side.

'Right, he wouldn't come anyways' I say.

'So you do like him?!' Maddie points out.

'No I don't calm down'

I don't like him I know I don't like him. He's annoying. He- he- I don't know. Ah there we go he's
Got the same wardrobe he always where's sleeveless T-shirt's. Yeh. Exactly, but he has deep, bright eyes. That I can get lost in.
No Alya snap out of it you don't like him he's your brothers best friend so you couldn't date him if you wanted. Which you don't!


I get home thinking of Luke. I don't know why.
Why is he all I think about.
It's probably because he's annoying and his voice is soul sucking and is slowly killing me.

I run upstairs to Alex's room and I sit on his bed with him with a smile on my face. Mum isn't in but dad is but he's passed out on the couch from the vodka what's new? Guess he has been drinking again.

'Look what I bought' I pull out the black dress and black heels out of the bag.

'That's well cute, you never dress like that why the sudden change?'  Alex says with a smile.

'Oh - nothing' I say changing the subject, 'I'm going to go and try it on' I run in my room and put it on I feel so powerful I never wear dresses I usually just throw on jeans and top or a hoodie not thinking but I rock it. I can pull of most things. I walk back in to Alex's room with a massive smile on my face almost touching my ears with my tongue pushing my teeth in happiness. 'Tada!'

'Wow you look gorgeous Alya I haven't seen you this exited over a dress' Alex says as I walk over to the mirror.

It wasn't just the dress I mean it's who I'm trying to impress- wait no I'm not it's for me not for him I like it cause I feel confident not because some nobody might like me in it.

Speaking of nobody I look in the mirror and look in the corner of the mirror to see the boys sat on the floor.

OH GOD! How did I not see them there!

They notice that I noticed that they were there so Luke spoke up, 'you do look beautiful' i could feel my cheeks burn as I looked into his eyes.

'T-thanks,' I stutter, 'my friend is having a party on Saturday so I'm wearing it then do you guys wanna go?'

'I don't know we don't do parties' Bobby says.

'Please guys I don't want to be alone and if you come you can perform a song' I pleaded as I say on the bed.

'Fine' Alex says. I give him a big hug and leave to get dressed.

Finally Falling Hard /Luke Patterson X Alya Mercer/ Julie and the phantoms   Where stories live. Discover now