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Luke's pov

I grabbed my guitar and jumped on my bike and started riding down the street with tears in my eyes as i tried to hold them in as my mum shouts down the road my name as it faded away behind me. It was midnight and dark with the only thing lighting my way was the broken streetlights that barely lit up. I continued to ride and my hands are shaking making my bike wheel shake making me almost fall. I arrive at the studio and dump by bike outside making a loud thud and I walk in wiping my eyes hoping Alya would be asleep.

I look and turn a small light on and see Alya crying in the corner holding a knife in her hand about the pierce her skin. She looks up at me with fear in her eyes. I run over and slide on my knees to see what going on. I pull the knife and throw it across the floor and pick her up and put her on my knee and rock her back and forth, and hugged her tight so she would feel safe.

Alyas pov

I hugged him tight and didn't let go. I pull away and look him in the eyes and see there are blood shot red and his cheeks were also as if he was crying. I moved his hair out of his face, 'what happened?'

'Nothing don't worry about me, are you okay?' He dodged the question.

'No your not making this about me what happened?' I sniffle wiping my eyes.

'I ran away' Luke admits. I sit there in shock.


'My parents didn't want there son in a rock band and it was getting worse so I left I couldn't deal with it' I look at him with sympathy and hug him again tight.

'Look at us' I pull away and smile, 'both homeless from this blasted band that we love so much' i giggle. Luke gives me a small smile as his soft fingers tuck my hair behind my ears. I feel my cheeks burn up and I place my hands on his shoulders and re adjust my self on Luke's lap.

I lean on Luke's chest my hands dropping to my side as he held me. My eyes became heavy and I drifted of to sleep in his arms.


Third person

3 young boys walk threw the studio door and look across the room and see their 2 lead singers asleep cuddling each over.

The rhythm guitarist looks at the floor and see a knife with a tiny blood stain on it as he lifts it up. 'What happened here?'

'Not a clue' the base guitarist answers. 'But what ever happened Luke got lucky' he smirks and high-fives the rhythm guitarist.

The drummer looks at them in disgust, 'sister' he says as he pushes past them and walks up to his twin sister next his best friend.

He squats down and shakes her arm and green eyed girl jumps awake. 'Hello?'

'Alya it's just us' her brother smiles, 'what happened?'

'Luke came in the night' she mumbles and gets off the other lead singer.

'What did you do?' Bass guitarist asks.

'Nothing we just spoke and-' she cuts of speaking.

'And what?' Rhythm guitarist asks.

'Nothing that's his business to tell you' she mumbles and hugs her brother tight.

Alyas pov

I walk over to reggie and pull him aside. 'Hey' I smile at him.

'What's going on with you and Luke?'

'What do you mean?'

'You too clearly like each over and there is something there'

'No he's just a friend'

'Then why did you fall asleep on him then'

'Cause I was tired and needed a friend and so did he'

'Sure' he rolls his eyes.

'Anyways that not what I wanted, how's home?'

'It's okay I mean not any better but I'm getting more sleep'

'That's some good news then have they stopped arguing as much?'

'No I just got some ear plugs'

'Oh I'm sorry'

'It's fine but I can still hear them talk about me'

I tilt my head and give him a look of sympathy and put my arms out for a hug as he wraps his arms around me. 'Will you help me fix me amp later?'

'Of course' I smile, 'it will be interesting'


We all stared watching a movie it was the new Star Wars Reggie was so excited. He was on the edge of his seat the whole time. I was sat on the end of the couch with Luke's arm around me snuggling up to him. I don't think anyone had noticed.

Once the move was over Reggie looked at us and smiled, 'what's that amazing?!'

'Heck yeh!' Luke jump jolting me up.

'Alya we're you asleep?' Reggie asks.

'What me n-no' I reply. I yawn. 'Okay maybe a little I am not sleeping much.

'You slept fine last night on Luke' Alex buts in.

'Shut up' I raise my voice at him.

'You owe me Alya' Reggie glares at me.

'What do you want then?'

'Help me fix my amp' he smiles. I sigh and roll my eyes, 'I want to do it outside it's better'


We walk outside and sit down on the grass. I start helping him fix it but I keep getting it wrong, 'Alya hands off' Reggie slaps my hands away. He continues and it starts to rain. I put my hoodie over my head and look over at Reggie concentrating. 'You can go' he smiles and flux a switch.

I get up and walk into the studio soaking wet. I get a towel and dry myself as my hair dripped down my back. The others were playing with melody's for a new song so I sat down and watched them.

After 10 minutes I got worried about Reggie so I got up and walked outside to where he was sat. 'Reggie!' I shout over to him as he's lying on the ground. He's probably having a rest, 'Reggie come on in it's lashing it down!' I walk over to him. I kneel down next to him and shake his arm but no response. I push the amp off him and shout for the boys, 'Help!' I repeat and repeat shaking Reggie hoping he's okay.

'What's wrong?' Luke says as he walks out. His eyes widen and he runs over to us. Bobby and Alex followed him.

'What do we do?!' Alex panics.

'CPR maybe?' Bobby questions.

'Yeh' I look down at him and lock my fingers and start giving him cpr. 'Come on Reggie' I panic.

I continue to do it for a minute straight and I lean back and hear and deep breath come from his mouth. He opens his eyes and looks at me. 'Thank god' I hug him tight as the rain hit my head. I take his hand and pull him up. 'Come on' I tug his arm and take him inside so he can get warm. Alex brought in the amp behind him.

I sit next to him and I grab a blanket and put it over us and place my head on his shoulder. As the others continued to test some melody's like nothing had happened.

Finally Falling Hard /Luke Patterson X Alya Mercer/ Julie and the phantoms   Where stories live. Discover now