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I get home with Alex from the sleepover in the studio and start to pack more stuff in my bag. I pack the tape, the menu and the picture frame. Smiling as I put them in my bag. My mum storms in almost taking the door of the hinges, 'pack all of your clothes!'

'Why I'm only going for 2 weeks I will come back for the rest after' I respond.

'Change of plans your saying until Halloween' she says waking out.

'What!' I shout running after her, 'what about the trial?'

'You don't need one they looked at your current school and got everything sorted' she smiles and sits on the couch, 'know go pack'

My eyes fill up with water as I run up the stairs and slam the door my behind me. I jump on my bed and cry into my pillow.

I wipe my tears and continue packing trying not to cry and weather I should tell the boys. They are already this upset then it will just make it worse. I decided not to tell them I don't want them to worry I will call them anyways.

I finish packing and lie on my bed in my bare room. I fall asleep to the silence with the small whimper coming from my catching my breath. I wake half way threw the night and I climb out the window and carefully walk down the roof. When my feet touch the floor I start walking. Before I know it I'm at Luke's house. I walk around the back so I could see Luke's bedroom window. I sit down in his garden looking at the trees and I see a shadow move in Luke's room. I dash behind a tree but I think he saw something because he opened the window wide open and whispered loud enough for me to hear, 'hello?' 

I step from behind the tree, 'hi'

'Alya what are you doing you creep come in' he smiles and wave his hand. I walk to the front door and he lets me in, 'what are you doing?'

'I woke up and went on a walk and my legs took me here' I mumble.

'Alya you should have just thrown a stone at my window instead of just sitting there it's creepy' he laughs as we enter his room. I sit in his bed and smile at him.

'Sorry I didn't want to wake you and I wanted to have one last look'

'You'll be back before you know it' he smiles and sits next to me, 'besides its only 2 weeks'

'Y-yeh' I stutter.

I get comfy in his bed with my back against the headboard and Luke in between my legs facing the wall with his head on my stomach as I play with his hair. His hair is so soft and smells amazing. I end up drifting of to sleep in his bed.

Third person

The young lead guitarist looked behind at the blond playing with his hair as she falls asleep sat up against the headboard. He quietly gets off the bed and picks her up holding her head up so it didn't fall. He gently placed her in his bed and covers her up with the quilt and sits on the floor grabbing a spare blanket from the floor and lies down.

The young blond slowly opens her eyes but try's to keep them shut and whispers, 'come up with me' as she moves up to one side of the bed. The guitarist looks at her and climbs in bed next to her and turns to face her as her eyes shut. He smiles as she turns around and grabs his hand and places it around her and intertwined her fingers with his and he hugs her tight still holding her hand not letting go.


Alya's pov

I wake up with Luke's arms wrapped around me and I smile. I turn to look at him fast asleep. I lay in his arm and peek my head over to look at the time. Oh god! It's 8:40. I have to be at the airport in 1 hour and a half. I climb out of the bed trying not to wake Luke. I open the door and hear an deep voice from behind me. 'Where are you going?' Omg his morning voice!! AHH!

I turn and look him as he sits up rubbing his eyes. 'I have to go to the airport'

'I'm up,' he says stepping out of bed, 'I'm up' he walks up to me opens the door and we walk out his room. His parents are no where to be seen I think they are at work. 'You want any breakfast?'

'I'm alright thanks' I smile as I follow him into the kitchen. He looks at me and opens the fridge and takes a swig out of the orange juice carton. He passes it me and I take a swig as well. What I'm thirsty.

We walk to the door and he shuts the door behind him. 'I'm going to miss you'

'Don't act like I'm dying I'll be back soon' I tease, 'I'll miss you too though' he smirks at me and I jump into his arms. As he holds me tight. I pull my self away before I couldn't leave his warm embrace. I shiver a bit from the cold and turn around and start walking home.

'Hey Alya!' He shouts as I turn around and he chucks a hoodie at me, 'you look cold' I catch the hoodie and smile at him my cheeks red. I put it over my head and pull it down over my body. It smells just like him and I feel safe in it and it really comfy. I look back at Luke and run up to him and hug him again I didn't say anything just held him close.

I pulled away and kissed his cheek and walked off blushing. I waved and smiled as I walked around the corner and he waved back.

Finally Falling Hard /Luke Patterson X Alya Mercer/ Julie and the phantoms   Where stories live. Discover now