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I waited for 2 hours for Luke to get back but he never did. I started to get worried. I now I'm just being paranoid but I'm scared. He can handle himself I continued tell myself. I lie down on the couch and try to fall asleep but something doesn't seem right. I'm tossing and turning so I just lie there staring at the ceiling holding my stomach. I stand up and look in the mirror and smile at myself as I walked over to the fridge and grabbed a sausage roll and started eating it waiting for something to happen.

I finished it and the door opened. Luke peeked his head threw and saw me sat there staring at him. 'Where have you been?!'

'S-sorry I got distracted' he stutters.

'You've been hours'

'I know but I was planning for tomorrow' He walk up to me as I lean against the wall. He places his arm above my shoulder leaning on the wall and looked into my eyes, 'I told you not to worry'

'Move' I push him off me and walk over to the couch, 'I know but I thought you wouldn't be long'


'It fine just don't do it again'


I wake up to a note beside me. I rub my eyes and pick it up and start reading,

hey als I'm heading down to the Orpheum to get everything sorted Luke.

I smile at the note as at the bottom was some mini doodles of instruments and chords with arms and legs.

A few hours passed and nobody had entered the studio its felt weirded to me but it was some nice alone time I'm just not use to it. I look at the clock and see it's 7:20pm. Oh god I need to get to there in 20 minutes that isn't going to happen. Uhh. I pick up my bag as Luke had already taken the instruments this morning. I put the keys to the studio in and some money for food and I set off walking to the Orpheum. It's not a far walk like 25 minutes so I'm not getting there by Luke's time but there wanted us there by 8 so it should be okay, right?

I walk in threw the back doors to the Orpheum and see the boys already on stage rehearsing. 'Sorry  I'm late I had to walk!' I run up to them and place my bag down and swing my guitar over my shoulder.

'It's fine' Luke rolls his eyes.

'What's up with him?' I ask Reggie.

'I think he's stressed' i reply.

'Oh that makes a lot of sense I'm just trying to forget about it'

'Don't forget about it this has to be perfect so people notice us know come on one more time' Luke snaps staring at me with an angry expression and turns back around as I step up to my microphone.

'You owe me food after this I'm starving' Alex says from the drums behind us as he picks up the drum sticks.

'Fine there is a hot dog place around the corner' Luke calms down and shakes his leg in anticipation.

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