im sorry for this-

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This is my reenactment of MY OWN story(while high)

walking down the motha fuckin courtyard, spraying tags on ever surface. i felt someone grab my ass- or my arm, or my back, or my hair- oh wait, thats kinky? i turned around, like a pretty anime girl, but no smile on my face. it was gene. nasty, fat. Gross, DIstugting. CREepy, HUMIliating, FUCKIng terrible, WASTE Of space, UGLY, FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT. gene. i wont ever tell that gorgeous man how much i desire for him to hold me, close, as closest as he ever tell ANYONE! but hell never know that of course. he started yelling so i spray painted his shirt BRIGHT green. i told him i had a spare, feeling a bit bad ngl- i said it fit his brother, dante, whom i also might be sleeping with- wait no, thats illegal- im 17, ALMOST 18, and hes newly 15. so yeah- for legal purposes, we dont AT ALL, hump diddly yump- anywho- im realizing we have a long way to go- so lets time skip <TO MOUNTAIN TOP!> i forgot to say, im also dating sasha. i kinda wish shed break up with me, just so that i can be a hoe, ONCE MORE. but yeah, im dating sasha :) so sasha didnt wanna come to the mountains with us, but she was totally on board with going with KATELYN, MY MORTAL ENEMY, probs finna be enemy to lover type shit. havent decided tbh.

so i went to bed, but next time i smoke, i write a part 2!!

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