Part 11

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The guide, Guy, popped up out of no where and led them to their place for the summer while amazing Aphmau with his magic.

"Heres where youll all be staying. There are many rooms so feel free to take your pick. Also i see you guys travelled really REALLY light.." Guy said.

"Ehehehe.. we had to get on the plane almost immediately." Dante laughed.

"I see... in any case, we have a complementary swimsuit service. We'll be sending our merchant up, with the newest summer collection. Until then, ill leve you all to get settled. Have fun, and come find me if you need any GUIDANCE."

Aphmau was about to make a pun but then Aaron covered her mouth saying, "No more talking from you. This is your punishment."

"Ahahaha thats a pun!" Aphmau said with her mouth still covered.

"You heard nothing."

"Haha, see you all later! Enjoy your stay!" Then Guy poofed out of existence..


"So uhhh whos staying in what room?" Garroth asked.

"Well since Aaron and Dante were the ones to get the tickets, they should pick which ever room they like.." Lucinda said. Y/n and Kawaii~Chan agreed.

Aaron was being modest, then Dante had to ruin the moment.

"Im down, lets go look around! Y/ns rooming with me!" Dante smirked, heading up the stairs.

"What?! No fair!! I wanted to sleep in the same room as hottie Lucinda.." Y/n teased. She followed him up the stairs.

"Theres always next time babe." Lucinda smiled.

Dante was the first to pick, and when he found a good one, he called for Y/n.

"Hey cmere! What about this one? Or do you still wanna share with Lucinda?"

"Her sleep schedule doesnt match with mine... so ill room with you!"

"Katelyn sama! The merchant is here with the swimsuits!!!"

"Dante come on! I wanna get a good pick!"

"Dante come on! I wanna get a good pick!"

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Once she was done changing, Lucinda stepped in.

"Aww babe, you look pretty in that one.. So, what do you wanna do first? Kc and i were thinking sleeping and hula dancing." She smiled.

"For sure, lets sleep, go hula dancing, and then, i want our private time while were both still awake."

"You got it.. now lets go join the rest of em."


They went to the roof. The gurls were in the pool and the boys were grilling.

"You know theres an ancient myth that says if you make a wish when a firework goes off and finish it before it explodes, itll come true." Lucinda told Y/n.

"Well if its true then, i guess i can wish for something out of this world then..."

Dante walked up to Aaron.

"You and Aph have been dating for a month, shouldnt you guys be closer as boyfriend and girlfriend? I mean, dont you have a lot of history?"

"Yeah, thats why i wanna make this summer special for her."

Then the fireworks started.

About 1 month and a half later😼😻🥰

"Y/n! I need your help!" Aaron shouted coming into the living area.

"Whats up?"

"Aphmaus mom is here on Love Love Paradise! And she... she brought someone from your past." Aaron said


"I uh... cant tell you. But hes coming over soon, so prepare yourself?" Then Aaron walked off.

Katelyn popped up out of no where.

"You and Aaron are close, ive noticed." She said.

"Yeah. We had the same study hall in college then he moved to mystreet... and then you know, me moving there too with Dante. We kept clashing into each other." Y/n laughed.

"Yeah. And i know i hate Aaron, but if you have any feelings for him-"

"Katelyn. Aphmau knows about me and Aarons friendship. Aarons not even my type, and besides, me and him are both happily taken by other people."

"Okay if you say so.."

"Y/n! Guess who i just got off the phone with!" Dante yelled


"Gene! And hes here! On Love Love Paradise!!"

"Oh no..."

"Whats wrong? I thought you and him were still friends after you rejected him during prom."

"God that makes me sound like an asshole! But uhh.... no. We werent friends. He got me arrested before i moved with you. He caught me shoplifting at hot topic when he was working there.."

"Oh... well maybe you guys can patch things up?"

"Maybe. Well see. Ill have to see what kind of person he is now.."

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