Part 10

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Y/n picked up Gene, Dante, and Travis from their house and drove them to the school. Today was finally prom for the seniors and juniors and whoever they invited along as their date.

Travis and Dante were both Y/n and Gene's plus one.

"Y/n... you look.. really pretty." Travis said.

"Thanks lil man.. you and Dante... clean up good."

"And my own date doesnt even compliment me."

"Sorry your highness... you look hot." She laughed.

"You too? You look pretty."

Music started playing. Most couples were dancing and taking pictures. Out of the crowd, Y/n spotted Katelyn and Garroth just talking with one of the teachers. Then the teacher left. Y/n dragged Gene to them.

"Hey guys!" Garroth said.

"Heyy. Oh- you brought... Gene?" Katelyn asked.

"Yep! Look at this necklace he got me! Cute right??" Y/n showed it off.

"Yeah.. it is. Its really your style. Nice pick Gene." She said. Gene nodded, wrapling his hand around Y/ns waist. "Wait- are you two like.. dATING?"

"No! Were not! Just a date." Y/n laughed. She noticed his arm, which was why she asked in the first place.

Then a slow song came on. Garroth held out his hand.

"Katelyn, can i... have this dance?" Katelyn basically dragged him to the dance floor after that.

"Dance?" Y/n asked.

"Sure.." Y/n held his hand and walked to the middle of the dance floor. "I dont really know how to dance."

"Just follow my lead, its easy." She put his hands on her hips and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. "Go slow."

"Is that Gene?" Someone in the crowd said. Gene looked around. Y/n grabbed his chin, making him look at her.

"Dont worry about them. After this, you wont have to see them every again. Have fun." She leaned in his arms.

Gene still seemed tense. He wasnt used to this kind of attention from a crowd.

"Gene. Seriously, dont worry about them. Theyre all just jealous that they dont look as good tonight."

"Y/n." Gene whispered. She looked up at him. Then he kissed her.

Everyone that was watching them then stopped EVERYTHING they were doing and focused on Gene and Y/n.

"I dont have to see anyone here ever again right?" Gene teased.

"I guess." She whispered, going back in for a kiss.

"KAWAII~CHANS SHIPP!!!!! YASSSSSJFJWKCBKWHDOEHODHEODX" Kc died at that moment from fangirling too much.

"Guess you didnt plan on seeing me after school ended, so why not.." Y/n smiled.

"You made a mistake there Y/n. I did plan on seeing you after school ended but not for a while.. i wanted to kinda get my life together since its, well, in shambles."

"Wait.. Gene, do you.. have a crush on me?" She teased.

"So like i was sayin-"

"You do! Gene theres nothing to be embarrassed about having a small crush on someone.."

"Its- Its not a small crush. I have fEeLiNgS for you."

"Gene, before theres a scene, do you wanna continue this somewheres else?"

"Im not gonna make a scene. I just.. need to know, do you have the same feelings for me, that i have for you?"

"I... I dont Gene.. and im sorry. Its just too soon.."

"I get it.. well, if you need me, you have my contact."

Gene walked out of the building. Everyone who was watching started to mind their on business now. Then, Dante and Travis started to comfort Y/n when she walked over to the snack buffet with them.

"Dont worry, its not like you wont see him for another 15 years," Dante joked..

16 years later;

Aaron and Dante broke the door to the house down to announce some news.

"Guys!" Dante yelled.

"My door! How could you?!" Garroth sighed.

"We've got tickets to that amazing summer resort-" Aaron started.

"The super love love paradise resort!"

"Tickets to that place have been sold out since forever!" Lucinda added. "How in the name of Irene did you manage to get those?"

"W-We'll explain later, we have to go right now!"

"Huh? But we need time to pack.." Aphmau said. Y/n nodded.

"Theres no time! We got the tickets, but the catch is, we need to head out right now! The plane leaves in one hour!" Dante yelled.

"Theres no way im rushing out of a door to go to some-"

"The beach is calling Katelyn! To the airport!"

With those magical words, all of them were teleported to the airport, hopped on a plane, took a cruise, then finally got to the island.

"Dante! Youre coming with me! I wanna go eat!" Y/n yelled.

"Hold up, we gotta wait for everyone else!"

After Garroth joked on Zane for watching pony shows, Lucinda stepped up.

"In any case, ancient legend has it that any couple that visits this resort and will just have a great time will end up together forever." Lucinda finished.

Dante looked at Y/n who was glancing at Lucinda, her girlfriend. When she noticed him staring, she smiled it off.

"Aww how romantic!" Kc shouted. Zane basically threw up in his own mouth.

"Bleh, gross!"

"What ancient legend says this exactly?" Katelyn asked....

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