Part 4

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Kawaii~Chan, Aphmau, and Katelyn were waiting by Y/ns locker. Once she got there, she saw them.

"Whats up guys?" Y/n asked. Katelyn looked around for the Shadow Knights.

"What are you doing fro Spring Break? Cause us girls were planning on going to a spring lake.." Katelyn said. Y/n smiled.

I wish I could go with you.. but Gene, Zenix, Sasha, and I were going to the mountains." Y/n smiled.

"But Sasha's coming with us to the lake?" Aphmau said confused.

"Oh she didnt tell us anything about her not coming.. but that sounds fun, you girls have fun! I gotta go meet up with Dante and butt grabber.." Y/n grabbed her book and took off.

Y/n walked down the hall, then got bumped into by Gene.

"Nice hair." She joked.

"Thanks, this really ugly maid did it for me." Gene laughed.

"Ha ha, wheres Sasha?" Y/n asked.

"Girls bathroom. By the way, I'll need your help with something later so meet me where you ruined my shirt." Gene then walked off.

Y/n headed to the bathroom where Sasha was giving palm readings.

"Oh, hey Y/n. Palm read?" Y/n shook her head. "Oh, you wanna know about Gene's plan? I'm sorry babe, I can't tell you since youre not officially part of the Shadow Knights. Ask Gene." She said, kissing Y/n on the cheek before she left the bathroom.

She walked outside, behind the bleachers where Gene asked Y/n to meet him. He was sitting there, listening to music. Y/n tapped his shoulder. He looked up at her, taking out his earbuds, so he can explain his plan.

"So Aphmau was kissing Garroth, I have a picture as proof. I need you to go tell Aphmau we know a secret of hers." Gene chuckled.

"No." She said, walking off. Gene grabbed her hand, pulling her back towards him.

"You will, because I have something to offer you too..." Gene showed her a picture of a skateboard.

"Okay, yeah still no. I already have a skateboard dumbass. I'm not.. blacking Aph or Garroth."

"Fine... then no mountains for you.."

"Wait what? No, you and Dante agreed I'd come with you guys. That's not fair Gene." Y/n said.

"Then leave the picture in her locker. Let her know we know." Gene sighed, shoving the small polaroid picture in her bag.

"No. Id rather be alone during spring break than ruin my friendship with Aphmau AND Garroth."

"Fine... But i want you to join the Shadow Knights, Y/n." Gene said, tossing a spray paint can to her. "You know what our symbol looks like. Tag it, take a picture, then send it to me." Without any other words, Y/n walked away from Gene. Rain drops poured on Gene, so he ran inside.

Dante was waiting for Y/n near the stairs. She caught up with him to discuss what Gene wanted.

"He seriously wants you to join the Shadow Knights? Im dead as hell. You're not gonna join are you?" He asked.

"N-No im not... but now that im looking at youre hair, i really like it. How many girls have you pulled?" She teased.

"Honestly, about two...? I dont know." He smiled. "Oh by the way, Gene finally decided when we're gonna leave."

"Ooo when?" She asked.

"Drum roll please.... Tomorrow morning." "What?" "Yeah! Tomorrow morning. So when you get home, get packing!" Dante laughed

"Oh and apparently Sasha isnt coming anymore?"

"Oh yeah.. I thought she told you. She cancelled two nights ago." Dante said.

"I'll have to talk to her... She's been keeping secrets lately."

"Well... good luck." Dante smiled.

Y/n texted Sasha to meet her at the skate park after school. She walked into her class, just waiting for school to be over.

Sadly, her classes seemed longer than usual. The teacher passed out the homework for spring break.

Sasha was waiting outside the class for Y/n.

"Hey, so Gene and Dante wanted me to invite you to go bowing with them?"

"Sure.. i guess." Then Sasha started to walk off. Y/n grabbed the rim of her skirt. "Wait, Sasha.. whats going on?? With us?"

"I dont know what you mean, babe." Sasha grabbed the hand that was on her skirt.

"Us. Like- first there was the kiss with Katelyn.. then you- then you change your spring break plans, with Katelyn, right after Gene told me I could go.."

"Look, Y/n, i know what your thinking, and this has nothing to do with Katelyn, at all! I just think... we've been spending too much time together.. and i need some space." Sasha finally admitted.

"Space, like more space? Cause because of what you said to me last month, ive been trying to give you space. I even changed my art class to gym class so you wouldnt have to see me." Sasha placed her hand on Y/ns face.

"Im sorry, Y/n. Im not breaking up with you when i say this... but i want to... see other people."

"Like Katelyn.. i got it. For right now, i guess youre single, cause i cant do an open relationship.." Y/n walked away with that said.

Tears started to fill Sashas eyes watching her go.

"I shouldve said that.."

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