Part 8

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The rest of the trip was a bore since Dante and Zenix caught a cold and Y/n and Gene had to take care of them.

"You guys need to hurry up. I need to see Katelyn and Travis." Dante said. Zenix threw a book at his head.

"Since when did you start reading??" Dante teased him.

"Guys stOp- Were almost back home so chill." Gene said, driving the car.

Gene pulled into the driveway of his and Dantes house. Dante quickly got out and unlocked the front door.

"Hey why is your mom never home?" Y/n asked Gene, helping him with the bags.

"Work." He gave a short simple response.

Y/n nodded and met with Dante in the house. She plopped herself on the couch, turning on the tv.

"Guys guys. Anime or horror?" She asked them. "Aye for anime and nay for horror." She heard two ayes and one nay.

"What? Animes... dUmB." Zenix said.

"Then you dont have watch."

Y/n went to Hulu and went to her profile. Dante jumped out of his seat and pointed at Fruits Basket.

"Dante you already watched it. So no." Y/n said. Still surfing through the rows.

"5 Centimeters per Second?" Gene asked. Y/n clicked on it. She quickly paused it.

"Snacks. Drink. Covers. Pillows. Cuddle partner. You guys know what to do-"

Genes phone started buzzing. Y/n answered it without thinking.

"Hello?" She said.

"Hi? Whos this? Why do you have Genes phone?" A girl with a really annoying voice said.

"Im a friend? I can send a message to him, whatcha needs sweets." She snickered.

"Well, tell him that plan b didnt work." She said, hanging up.

Dante came back with the drinks. Zenix brought the covers and pillows, along with Gene. And Dante and Genes mom came home with pizza. She had to leave right away though after dropping it off.

"Oh guys, you do know proms coming up? In about a month? Then no more school!" Dante said before chugging his soda.

"Stop youre gonna get a stomach ache. And yep! Then me and Gene will no longer be there with yall.." Gene patted Dante on the shoulder before turning to Y/n.

"Have you figured out what college youre going to? Im not going to one, i already applied for a job at the mall." Gene smiled.

"Yeah... not yet. I wanna try harvard, but if i need to, i can go somewhere else." Y/n laughed.

"Try for university of maine, they let in idiots all the time, im sure you can get in." Gene offered.

"You know what, i might try the mall with you, so i can do better and get paid better.." Dante grabbed the remote from Y/ns lap and unpaused the movie.

"Show time."


"What is this?? It makes no sense!" Gene yelled while throwing popcorn at the tv.

"You picked it out stupid.." Y/n mumbled.

"Ay thats not very nice, now is it. Respect your elders." Y/n threw her goldfish crackers at him.

"I wanna play minecraft, this movie sucks ass." Zenix said.

"Well better than fortnite." Y/n laughed.

"Dante set up minecraft, and go uhh... grab the extra controllers from my closet." Dante slowly got off the couch and headed to Genes room.

"Y/n. Prom?" Gene asked. She looked at him weird.

"Bruh. This popcorn is good." She kept eating.

"Y/n! Prop?! Im asking you to be my prom date. Since Sasha basically left your ass."

"Gene... maybe. But dont say anything about Sasha, or i will fucking kick your no no square." She winked.

"Y/n youre a hoe." Zenix laughed.

"Okay and??? I havent fucked any of my hoes so- ha." She laughed to herself.

"Wait your a virgin?" Gene asked her.

"Of course i am, when it comes to guys. Sasha took half my virginity. Anyway, ima go use the bathroom and wash my face, brb. Set up the game, Dante." Y/n walked to the bathroom, leaving all three boys behind.

"Gene, can you set it up, i have to change." Before Gene could say anything, Dante left.

"Zenix. Plug it up."



"Okay, minecraft time. Cmon Y/n!" Zenix said. She walked out of the bathroom and grabbed a controller.

"Survival or Creative?" She asked.

"Survival. I wanna kill all of you!" Gene laughed.

"Y/ns the best. She can seriously carry you in this game." Dante teased.

"You cant carry someone in minecraft stupid." Y/n said.

"Exactly." Gene smirked. "Now, survival at the fittest."

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