Part 9

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Prom night... after a month of waiting, it was finally here. Well in two days that is.. Today though, today was Y/ns 18th birthday.

Her parents werent there per usual and neither was Levin. The entire house was empty except for her and the presents they left on the counter.

She opened them quickly, what she saw was a $150 dollar amazon gift card, a red dress, heels, anime stickers, and keys..

"No way..." Y/n dropped everything on the ground and ran outside. There she saw a light grey tEsLa.

She opened the driver door and looked at the inside

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She opened the driver door and looked at the inside. The inside was perfect.

"The stickers!! I can put them on the car!" She whispered to herself.

Then Dante and Gene came into vision while walking to her house.

"Hey hey birthday girl!!" Dante yelled.

"Dante! Gene! Thank you! Look at my car! I have so many Zero Two and Yaoyorozu stickers, it's unbelievable." She laughed.

"Get ready for school, its still a Wednesday." Gene said.

"Okay okay! Come on in!"

Y/n walked into her house and picked up the other gifts she dropped.

"Uhmm watch the news or something.."

She walked to her room and got ready. Her typical school uniform and eyeliner. Once she got back to the living room, the boys were already waiting by the door.

"So does the birthday girl want coffee on the way?" Dante asked.

"Sure. Gene you want some too?"

"Uhh i guess?"

"Alright, lets head to starbucks... in my new car." Y/n smirked.

"I call shot gun!" Gene yelled.

Y/n grabbed the car keys, her phone, and her bookbag. Then they hopped im the car and drove to starbucks.

"Hello what can i get for you this morning?"

"Ill have a regular cold vanilla ice coffee woth extra whip.. what do you guys want?"

"Ill have an iced coffee, vanilla creamer." Dante yelled from the back seat.

"And uhh... ill have a... caramel frappe." Gene said.

"Okay name please?"


"Drive to the front please."

So she drove up some to the next window.

"Heres your drinks! Thatll be $24.78." She said handing the drinks to them. Y/n handed them $25 and then left the drive thru.

Dante grabbed his iced coffee, Gene grabbed his caramel frappe, and placed Y/ns vanilla drink in the cup holder while she drove.

"Im thinking, we should skip our first two classes, go out to eat for breakfast. Then come to school for lunch, since we share the same lunch class." Gene said. Y/n and Dante looked at each other. Y/n turned the wheel and headed to small breakfast diner.

"Smart thinking Gene."

"I dont know if your being nice to me because its your birthday, cause im your prom date, or you just wanna be nice. Help me out here woman."

"All? I dont know bruh."


After school, all Y/ns friends went to Aphmaus house, where she was holding a party for Y/n.

They were all having fun until Sasha walked in. Like every time that would happen in a movie, the music stopped. Gene and Dante walked to her.

"I dont know if Y/n would want you here." Dante said.

"Actually, she invited me."


"Yeah..." Y/n said, walking towards them, "i invited her... i wanted to say bye to her, since shes moving to another town."

Sasha nodded then gave Y/n a hug.

"Im sorry.."

"Dont be. Have fun here." Y/n said before Sasha walked off.

Y/n sighed. Dante noticed Travis flirting with Katelyn, so he went over there to help him out. Gene thought about leaving at first, but he stayed near Y/n.

Gene was about to comfort her, but Aphmau brought one of her friends, Aaron, to meet her before he could say anything.

"Hey Y/n! I wanted you to meet Aaron. I dont know if you were going to Falcon-claw University... but he is, so i wanted to introduce you two, so if you went you had a friend!" Aphmau smiled, showing Aaron to her.

"Oh, whats up Aaron? Aph, i kinda already knew him. Well i dont know know him, but weve exchanged some words."

"Yeah... sorry about those times.." Aaron said, then he saw Gene. "Oh Aphmau, im hungry, lets go uh, get some cake." Aphmau waved bye to them as Aaron dragged her away.

"Finally.." Gene mumbled.

"So... you and Aaron have bad blood too?" She asked him.

"I guess you could say that."

"Aaron and me... didnt get along at all. We shared gym class before i changed it to arts.. and lets just say... i hated him for a very long time. Then KC told me about her ship, aph and Aaron, so i kinda stopped hating him... Oh sorry! I rambled."

"Its fine, i guess. And i uh... got you a gift." He reached into his pocket and grabbed a jewerly box. "Open it."

Y/n smiled and took it from him. She opened it. It was a necklace with her initial and a two spray paint can charms.

"Gene. I love it, thank you!" She gave him a hug.

"Itll.. look good with your prom dress. I saw it before you picked it up from the ground." Gene laughed.

"You werent supposed to see it!" Y/n started laughing with him. "Uhh cake?"

"Heh.. sure why not."  They started to walk near the counter. "Oh btw i found out where you applied for work.. Hot Topic.. shouldve guessed, thats you for sure.."

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