Part 1

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Y/n walked around the back of the school with her earbuds in, listening to her music. She left her skateboard and bags near the back door. She started to spray paint the back of the benches. She hummed along with her song and tapped her fingers together.

It ended faster than it shouldve, so she replayed it. Gene walked behind her, with Sasha and Zenix behind him. Y/n had the feeling someone was close to her, but she ignored it, thinking everyone shouldve been in class by now. Gene took out her left earbud out.

"Well, Y/n, a respected senior... Whatcha doin?" He asked. She turned around, facing him. A smirk grew on her face.

"I really hope you dont like that shirt, Gene." She teased before she sprayed it with neon green paint.

"You bitch... or do you wanna be called kitty?" Y/n laughed a little.

"Nah, I like bitch better, not really a cat person, ya know?" She laughed again. "Anyway, check my bag, I have a spare shirt... It should fit you, I dont know, it fits your brother though." She winked, putting the earbud back in.

"Are you... screwing my brother?" Y/n shook her head.

"No.. Hes a little too young for me, dont you think. I mean, Im about to turn 18, he's what.. 15?" She laughed some more. "So... Sasha.. You just gonna keep hanging out with him or you gonna come to the park with me?"

Sasha patted Gene on the shoulder, then walked over to Y/n.

"Sorry Gene, the lesbianism is taking over." Sasha said.

The girls walked off, leaving Gene and Zenix alone. Gene walked to her back, digging in it to find the shirt she was talking about. Once he found it, he quickly changed and then threw the painted shirt in her bag. They caught up to the girls.

"Gene Gene Gene, buddy. This is girls time, go!" She chuckled. Y/n pushed Gene away. "Also nice abs. We may or may not have looked before leaving. Keep working out. We wouldnt wanna see this 4 pack turn chubby..." She pushed him some more.

"Fine, bye Sasha.. Y/n." Gene said, pulling Zenix away with him.

Y/n turned back to Sasha, placing her hand on her cheek. She moved her silver hair out of her face. Sasha leaned in. Their lips met. But not for too long, Y/n pulled away hesitantly.

"What are you doing for Spring Break?" Y/n asked. Sasha looked at her perfect face.

"Im supposed to be spending it with Zenix and Gene, but if you have something in mind, I could change my plans." She smiled.

"I... I dont have anything planned, so I wanted to know if I could stay with you guys...? I know Gene doesnt really like me and neither does Zenix..." She gave a pathetic smile.

"You mean... You wanna come to the mountains with us?" Y/n nodded. "Of course! That'd be great!" Y/n hugged Sasha. Sasha kissed her neck.

After a walk home, Y/n put her bags by the door and then quickly did her eyeliner and blush. She was supposed to be hanging out with Dante today. She left her house, riding her skateboard to his house. Only 5 minutes later, she was there. Y/n knocked on the door, expecting Dante to answer it. But it was his mom.

"Oh hey Y/n. Dantes in his room. Im sorry to spring this on you, but I need Gene to drive you guys to the park today instead of me. I have some errands to do at home.." She said with a kind smile.

"Of course that okay, ma'am. I'd love to spend some time with Gene too!" Y/n smiled back at her.

"Thank you, sweetie. By the way, has uhmm, has Gene been out of trouble recently?" Y/n nodded.

"Yes ma'am! Hes been out of trouble and hanging out with me in study hall to get his grades up!" His mom sighed in relief and smiled more.

"Well thats good news. Thank you, Y/n." She nodded. Gene walked down the stairs, coming into view of Y/n.

He had on his regular red flannel, grey sweats, which was a bad choice to be honest, and his everyday vans. His hair as messy as possible. They looked like twins seeing as Y/n was basically wearing the same stuff. The same flannel, same shoes, and black jeans, which fitted her legs perfectly.

His mom left, calling out Dante's name.

"You know, its weird that you hang out with Dante when hes about 3 years younger than you." He teased.

"Yeah uhuh.. Then who am I supposed to skate with? You? Youre already 18. Thats more illegal than me and Dante." She laughed.

"So you are messing around with my brother." Gene asked, pulling on her flannel.

"Again, no. If its not obvious, I'm kinda seeing Sasha." She pushed him off of her.

"Okay, lesbo.." Y/n was about to tell him off when Dante finally came outside.

"She's bisexual, Gene. You know that."

"Yeah sure! She's been seeing girls ever since she joined this school!"

"Aww are you mad you havent gotten youre chance with me." She faked a pouty face. Gene put his foot in front of hers, making her trip. She helped herself back up to her feet.

Gene pushed her out of the way to get to the drivers seat. Dante sat in the passengers seat, and Y/n sat in the back. She turned on the radio, playing 'Faster Car.'

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