Part 2

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Gene looked at his phone pissed off. He noticed Y/n and Dante were still skating, so he walked over there to confront Y/n about her surprise.. Y/n quickly jumped off her board, noticing Gene was in front of her. He grabbed the skateboard as it was getting closer to his feet.

"Y/n, you really did yourself one this time didnt you?!" He asked angrily. Confusion spread on her face. "Inviting yourself to our mountain get away? Not gonna happen." Gene stated.

"So... Sasha told you... huh?" She asked, putting her head down. "Look Gene, Im not goona beg you, but I have literally nothing to do during Spring Break. And well... I dont want a ride from you right, tell Dante i said bye." She said, leaving the skate park.

Dante noticed her leaving, so he asked Gene was happened. Gene simply told him she wasn't going with them to the mountains with them.

"Gene you shouldve just let her go! She has no one to spend time with.." He followed Y/n to her house.

They stayed in her room, which was filled with weird posters and fake vines. Y/n sat on her daybed, changing into different clothes. Dante sat on the couch.

"There going to see youre bio dad arent they, for Levi?" Y/n nodded her head. "You maybe shouldve told him, he has a soft side when it comes to dads... seeing as ours walked out on us." Dante smiled, trying to give advice.

"Heh... I dont wanna seem manipulative... You can tell him if you want, but his answers gonna stay the same." She smiled to herself. I need to go to the bathroom, stay here or something." She said before taking off.

Y/n went into the bathroom. She got a notification. It was Sasha, asking to call. Y/n pressed the call button, and after two rings, Sasha picked up.

"Hey.. You told Gene already?" Y/n asked her. Sasha said yes. "Welp, he's uhh... not letting me come with yall. Sorry Sasha." Y/n heard Dante calling for her. "Im sorry, I gotta go. Dante needs me. Love you." She laughed and hung up.

She went back to her room, not seeing him. "Dante?" She called. She heard a response in the living room. "Coming!" She called.

Y/n went to him. She saw Gene with him. Gene analyzed her body, she was wearing shorts and a tank top.

"Why are you here, Gene?" She asked. Gene patted Dante on the shoulder.

"We gotta go, love. So.. see ya?" They walked out of the house. Dante still waving while Gene pulled him away.

"Love?" She almost threw up thinking about it again.

A week before Spring Break, a boring Tuesday, Y/n walked into the cafeteria, trying to find Gene or Dante. She found Dante, flirting with some girls, so she tried to find Gene. She walked out of the cafeteria, into the hallway.

She saw Gene, Sasha, and Zenix, teasing a Freshman, Aphmau. Y/n walked over to Gene, placing an arm around his shoulder.

"You know, you should really start flirting with girls your age, Gene. Like... Me and Sasha for example." She teased. Y/n walked over to Aphmau, giving her a hand.

"T-Thanks. Im Aphmau." She smiled.

"Y/n. Sasha's girlfriend and Gene's best friend," She winked at Gene. Gene walked to her, pulling her ponytail. "Yeah.. Sorry about these kids." She smiled. Gene looked at Y/n.

Sasha grabbed Y/n's arm, pulling her to the girls bathroom.

"I missed you, Y/n." She said, putting her arms on her shoulders. Y/n gave her a small quick peck.

"Missed you too." She grabbed her hands tight.

"I gotta get to class... See ya later." Sasha kissed her on the cheek and left.

Katelyn, a sophomore who was friends with Aphmau walked into the bathroom.

"Hey Y/n. The silver haired girl your girlfriend or something?" She asked.

"Yep, been dating for 4 almost 5 months." Y/n said leaving the bathroom. She bumped into Gene. He fell on the ground. "Sorry!" She said, giving a hand. He look it, pulling himself up.

"Thanks.." Gene mumbled fixing his shirt. "By the way, Dante wanted me to ask you to come over later." He said.

"Yeah sure, Ill be there around... 5 or 6?" Gene nodded walking away.

Y/n pulled out her phone and texted Dante. He told her he was holding a little get together with some of his friends, which were freshmans and sophomores, meaning her and Gene would be the oldest there.

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