Part 7

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Y/n relaxed in the hot tub with the boys, until Zenix had to use the restroom, and Gene got a call from a job he applied at, leaving Dante and Y/n alone.

"Your uh... ex girlfriend-"

"Which one?" Dante interrupted.

"Nicole. She asked me to teach her to skate. I was gonna keep that to myself but... yeah."

"Why would she wanna learn to skate??"

"To get your attention again. Look ion know... Also im getting cold."

"In a hot tub?"

"Yeah.. but uh... think about Nicole or sum?"

With that, Y/n got out of the hot tub and walked inside. Dante grabbed his phone, thinking about texting Nicole.

"Im telling you Zenix, that dream wasnt... a dream!" Gene yelled.

"Trouble in paradise?? Sasha taught me some dream interpretation magic stuff, so whatcha need to know?" Y/n asked.

Zenix walked outside to the hot tub. Sitting on the opposite side of Dante.

"Nothing. You dont need to know. Were not even friends." Gene said.

"Aww really? We're not? That sucks, especially since i tagged your logo in the school gym." Y/n pulled her phone out and showed him the picture.

"So... you wanna join the Shadow Knights?"

"I did. But then Sasha and me broke up-"

"Wait you guys actually broke up? I thought you were just saying that to Dante so you had an excuse to not come." Gene grabbed a mountain dew from off the counter.

"Yeah. I uh, broke up with her since... well she isnt MY Sasha anymore. But i dont wanna talk about it, especially not with you. Whats up with the dream shit?"

So he went on and told her everything about the dream. Then her phone started to buzz, it was Aphmau. She answered and put it on speaker.

"Whats up Aph?"

"I... im in trouble. Someone knows about something i did, and im scared theyre gonna-"

"Wait Aphmau, before you say anything else, i want you to know im with Gene and the phones on speaker."

"Oh... hi Gene... so like i was saying.. actually no... how are yall doing?"

"Fun. We got here about an hour or two ago..."

"Cool.. me and Katelyn are still packing to leave in a few days. We plan on only staying at the hot springs for 3 days, since thats what her dad paid for."

"Yeah... uhm hows Sasha doing?"

"Shes doing good! Keeping to herself a little though... Did something happen?"

"Yeah... we uhh... we're taking a break."

"Awww im sorry Y/n. I hope you feel better on vacation!"

"Thank you.... byebye!" Then Y/n hung up. "I wanna start a new anime.. Death Note." She said, jumping on the couch.

"Aye, dont jump on it. Youll break it." Gene took a sip out of his drink, heading to the bathroom for a shower.

Y/n went to Netflix and started watching Death Note.

Right when she was 4 episodes in Dante and Zenix finally came back in. Dante was dripping wet and jumped on the couch right next to Y/n. Then he shook his head like dog, getting the water off.

"Dante! What the hell!" Y/n pushed him off.

"Awww youre not a dog person anymore?" He smiled.

"Youve been hanging around Gene too much. Ion like it.. but whatever... and no. Im actually not. Im a uhh.... person of tAstÈ!"

"Okay, then whats your taste??"

"Tall. Something you're obviously not!" Y/n laughed. Dante died in his 5'6'ness.

"Uhhh tall... tall... like 5'10 tall or taller??" He asked.

"Why you wanna know??"

"Becauseee! I just do! Blind dates, setting you up with friends, you know.. how am i supposed to set you up if i dont know what you like??"

"Okay ill tell you what i like.. when it comes to girls... taller than me, nice, has guy friends... and doesnt leave me for someone younger. And for a guy... well my age, 5'10 like you said, pretty eyes and siblings i can babysit."

"Shit i forgot you liked babies." Dante face palmed.

"Stop talking. This anime is really good!" Zenix yelled.

"Oh by the way, wheres Gene?"

"Shower.." Y/n lead out... "Hes been in there for almost two hours though... is that normal for him??"

"If its a hot one, yes, cold, no."


"Observation over the years.. duh."

"Whatever... uhm... go check on him!" Y/n said before taking a sip of her drink.

"Why me??"

"Cause your his brother!"

"Aww youre worried he dropped the soap?" Dante laughed his ass off before knocking on the bathroom door. "Gene. Hurry up, our baby Y/n is getting worried for you!"

"Dante!!" Y/n yelled.

"Ill be out in a bit!" Gene yelled back, turning off the water.

"See, babes, hes fine."

"You know i hate nicknames Dante."

"Shit- DONT HIT ME!"

"If you two dont shut up, ill kill both of you!!" Zenix yelled, turning up the tv even louder.

"Aww whatchu gonna do, Zenix? Write their names in a Death Notebook or something??" Gene said, coming out of the shower with only a towel wrapped around his waist. He then walked to the room to change.

"Dante im still cold.." Y/n said, trying to take more blanket from him.

"Sorry, i dunno what to tell ya.." Dante breathed on his hands, rubbed them together and held them on the side of her head.

"Here.." Gene mumbled walking back to the living room with a hoodie.

"Thanks Gene.." She smiled quickly before throwing it over herself.

It was a black skull hoodie that belonged to Gene back in his sophomore and junior year. It fitted her perfectly..

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