Part 17

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After Gene had left the gymnasium, Y/n went to the snack bar. Then Dante made crappy jokes which made her feel worse. When Katelyn saw him and Travis with her, she pulled the boys aside to give Y/n some space. Y/n started to feel bad. She liked him too but she was too scared to admit it. Every sweet memory they had together passed by.

Y/n spray painting his shirt. The times they joked on Dante. Them going skiing and taking care of Zenix and Dante. When Y/n dyed his hair. Gene ranting about how much he hated Phoenix Drop High. The necklace he gave her.

It all made her feel worse for rejecting him. She felt for saying it was too soon. That it was too soon for her. Truth is.... she was ready. She just didnt want to do that to Sasha and Dante. She never put herself before her friends.

That night she went home crying. Cried herself to sleep.

"Ill never take you off.." Y/n whispered to herself, holding the necklace he gave her.

Y/n woke up in a sweat. She was holding the necklace. Dante was sleeping on the other side of the bed and Gene was on the floor. Y/n smiled knowing he was there. It made her feel better, especially after dreaming about the pass.

That dream was on repeat for years. She would always think of Gene, no matter what. He was part of her teenage years. They grew up together basically.

Y/n stared at Gene sleeping, smiling to herself. He moved in his sleep and Y/n quickly closed her eyes just in case. He rolled over and hit his head on the dresser. Y/n laughed to herself. Gene sat up, holding his head in pain.

"What the fuck.." Gene mumbled. Y/n pretended to just wake up.

"Are you alright?" She pretended to yawn.

"Yeah i just hit my head.."

"Aww poor piss baby. Cmere." Y/n taunted. Gene scooted towards to bed more. Y/n placed her hand on his head. "Look Gene... I need to tell you something.."

"Yeah whats up..?"

"Remember how i mentioned i have a recurring dream? It was abt the prom night. You leaving and then... every sweet moment we had." Y/n had finally told him everything...

Gene stared at her before interrupting.

"Y/n.. follow me. Just in case Dante wakes up." He said. Y/n nodded and followed him to the balcony.

"Okay... nice view-"

Before Y/n could say anything else, Gene cut her off again, but this time, with a kiss😩

Their lips met as Gene cupped her face with his left hand and wrapped his right arm around her back, pulling her closer to him.

"Y/n... Ive loved you since the mountains and those feelings never left. Even after everything that happened, you were always on my mind." He said pulling away from her.

"When we get back home from this trip, maybe we could try... us? This?" She smiled at Gene, waiting for a response.

"Wait, you do know i live near Phoenix Drop still right?"

"Yeah... so heres something else i wanted to ask.. Maybe we could move in together? Or not, you know, it's completely up to you."

"Y/n you have no idea how much i want this, how much i want you."

"Well didnt know bad boy Gene would be happy about this, but here we are.." Y/n smiled more.

"This time, ill try to do better. For you and for Dante.."

"I know you can do it." Gene smiled back at her and gave her a hug.

"Wait does this mean... were together? Like officially orr.... am i missing something here?"

"I guess... we're officially together."

After they got home, they did as planned and moved in together. Y/n reconnected with Sasha and Zenix since they were still friends with Gene. Aphmau and Kawaii Chan opened the maid cafe where they both got job there.

Most of the friend group were happy for them, some others, Katelyn and Zane, werent. But they werent mean to Gene since theyre friends with Y/n.

Life was going pretty well for the 2. Then Gene proposed after Y/n told him they were expecting.

"I do."

"I do."

"You may now kiss the bride."

Y/n threw her flowers in the crowd for someone to catch after kissing Gene.

"Aww arent you a cutie.." Gene mumbled to the newborn baby.

"Never did i think Gene would be a dad before me." Dante laughed.

Y/n looked at her emo husband and thought she couldn't have asked for a better life.

"You know what, i cant wait to tell him all about our past." Y/n said to Gene.

"Some shit needs to be left out."

"Hey no cussing around Malachi."

"Fuck. Shit. Cunt. Whore. Bitch. Ass. Dick-"


The End

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