Part 12

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"Ahh Dante, its so good to see you." Gene said. They were standing in the kitchen talking. Lucinda and Y/n were watching Tv in Lucinda and Kawaii~Chans shared room. They talked about Gene and Y/ns past with him. Lucinda understood every word she had said.

"Its great to see you too big bro! I missed you!"

"I missed you too." "Hows mom?" "Mom is mom. You know how she is.. busy with her flower shop." "I was gonna ask you about that, is mom gonna be okay alone?" "Her brother decided to come and help out with the shop so shell be fine..."

Y/n rolled out of bed seeing as Lucinda passed out. She walked down stairs not even paying to Dante and Gene, well, she didnt even know Gene was there at first. She walked to fridge and grabbed left over food from the other night.

"Y/n! Come back to bed!" Lucinda yelled from upstairs. Y/n sighed.

"And maybe put on some clothes." Dante said. Y/n looked down at herself. She was only wearing one of Lucindas sweaters that only reached her butt, showing off her hello kitty undies.

"Welp... nothing you havent seen before Dante... and now, Lucinda needs me, so bye bye.." Y/n slowly walked up the stairs.

"Not even gonna say hi to me?" Gene asked. Y/n turned on her heel to see who was talking... then she saw Gene.

Anger and sadness filled her head.

"Oh hey Gene. Its been what... 2, 3 years?"

"A little less than that... but its nice seeing you. You look good."

"Thanks..? Now bye, Lucinda called for me." Y/n walked up the stairs and didnt look back.

"Whos Lucinda?" Gene asked.

"Oh someone who went to high school with us. Shes my age, but shes dating Y/n."

"What the hell is up with Y/n dating girls all the time?? Has she even dated a guy recently?"

"She dated Laurence for a little while, but his love for Aphmau ruined it." Dante sighed. "Anyway, Lucindas just gonna go back to sleep, so in a few minutes ill go get Y/n and we can all catch up."

"Sounds good lil bro."


"Hey! Y/n! Y/n! Y/n!" Dante and Travis yelled.

"What do you want?" She asked, running down the stairs in a panic.

"Lets go to the beach!" They smiled.

"God i hate you guys! I thought one of you were hurt! Let me go change.." She went back upstairs.

"Now watch Gene, her bathing suit is perfection✨✨✨✨✨" Dante said. Travis nodded.

"Travis! Im not waiting all day to play volley ball, come on!!"

"Hold up babe, we're waiting for Y/n!"

"Fine! But she better hurry-"

"Im done. Stop yelling. Your gonna wake Lucinda up. Leta go already."

Once they got there, they started playing volley ball. Gene Dante and Y/n were one team. Travis Katelyn and Nicole were the other team.

Katelyn was the first to serve, which Gene hit it back, which went to Nicole, who purposely aimed at Dante who wouldve gotten hit if it werent for Y/n trying to hit it back. It didnt work and Gene hit it to Travis.

"Thanks." Y/n said to Gene.

"Say thanks when we win." Gene winked. "By the way, nice necklace." She still wore the necklace he gave her on her 18th birthday.

"About that-" Y/n couldnt finish what she was saying cause Nicole accidentally hit the ball too hard towards her while she was paying attention. It hit her in the eye.

"Y/n!" Gene yelled. Dante and Travis circled Y/n while Katelyn and Nicole went to go get a first aid kit.

Y/n was blacked out for a while. When she woke up the only people there were Lucinda and Gene. The tension was tense until Y/n woke up.

"Gene.. Lucinda. The fuck happened?" She asked.

"One of the girls-"

"Nicole." Lucinda said.

"Nicole accidentally hit you with the ball while we were playing volley ball. And then Travis and Dante made me carey you back here since theyre weak."

"I get it, im fat."

"Hey dont say that about your self, baby.." Lucinda whispered. "Hey! I know whatll make you feel better! Theres a singing contest. Winner wins some free clothes and a big buffet for more than 10 people!"

"You really know what to say to make me feel better... when is it?"


"No. She has to rest. A volleyball was thrown at her head. Shell have a headache soon enough." Gene said.

"I can make a little potion. Dont worry about her." Lucinda said.

"Lucinda.." Y/n mumbled.

"I- Im sorry, ill just go to work on that potion." Lucinda made herself then disappear.

"Shes right. I shouldnt concern myself with you, not after what i did to you."

"So you know what you did.... i guess thats a step for me not to hate you..."

Gene smiled pathetically.

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