Chapter 20! Time flew by!

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Melissa stood there feeling sad again for the thoughts that has sprinkled into her mind about B.O.B.

Melissa's POV

WHY! Why do I have to be so mean, I'm being such a bully towards the freak-er I feelings get the best of me every time. Melissa...calm....down, take a deep breath and think. You can't be angry at the alien for actually missing his parents...they may have been the best for him and stuff. But, but, UGHHH! My father wanted me to go away, my mom did too in her own way. I just-just feel like I don't belong....anywhere....

Before you know it, there was a tear already near my lips. I wiped it away as a hugged B.O.B. At least he didn't like you know, totally burst into flames and farts out evil in my face with total rage. Like most annoying people in my school. "O...M...G! Girl you need to wax those arms guuuurrll!" Pfffft! That's hilarious, that kind of rage is the funny kind. Then there are the kids who sit there in the cafeteria. Staring at the wall alone. Like, Um! Hello?! Earth to weirdo, are you expecting it to move or something? It's not a transformer or anything like seriously. Oh gosh...

I laughed a bit and everyone soon stared at me like I was wearing socks with sandals...


First of all! She leaked fluids out of her visionary organs with depression, then is producing vocal vibrations of what appears to be happiness...? I'm done, human are way to complicated to understand at this point. But I must defend her, she is longing for her home and I'm not letting her be shown to the Martian population knowing the Dirtians may experiment or interrogate her about her planet for domination! Oh many thoughts processing in my cerebral cortex, it's causing a pain. Never in my living being have a felt a pounding against my head...


B.O.B then fell clutching his head and then his skin went from apple green to yellow. S.K.U.R ran to a different room, S.L.E.H surprised. He dropped the portrait and carrying B.O.B into his...bedroom? A.S.P trailed along into B.O.B's room and holding his hand.

Melissa was rushing into B.O.B's room as well, "Omg! What happened? Are you alright, please be okay!" She quivered.

S.L.E.H spoke calmly "he will be fine, you should stay here with him, human. Do you...understand me?"
"Why of course, you are speaking English."
"Why...this is remarkable!" He joyed and then rushed out.

"Umm....anyways, B.O.B! How are you feeling?" Melissa said softly and started to tear up.

Melissa POV

This is all my fault, I just know it. I have been nothing but mean to this...this...Ugh! I can't take these emotions. I just want to go home and now my only hope getting there is dying! Hold your horses...he is waking...B.O.B!
I shook his head to startle him and his eyes slowly opened softly.
"B.O.B? Are you okay, you worried me sick with you fainting." I said calmly and relieved with a smile.
"Why seeing my side is..what keeps my eyes open longer." he whispered, turning blue on his cheeks and then held my hand.
"Aww, B.O.B why that is...-" I whispered back but got interrupted.

S.K.U.R came in with a bag steaming with a liquid inside. She held it over B.O.B's head and then popped it purposely.

"What the filibusters?! That's Water? Mud?....that doesn't matter, why did you do that?" I exclaimed with a concerned face and staring at B.O.B.
"Why this is how Martians deal with pain in the head, do you humans ever receive any?" She said questioning me now, rubbing B.O.B's forehead in circles.
"Why yes we do, on my planet, they are called headaches and for me the fastest way to get rid of those is to either take an Advil or...this..." I said gently and happily of this knowledge. Proud of it, and then I grasped onto B.O.B's head and then squeezed his templates.
"AAAAHHHHH!" B.O.B yelped pain and then "ahhhhh...." in relief he stood back up and stood astounded at me.
" my head of the unwanted sensation! How extraordinary, thank you greatly for bestowing such technique." B.O.B said with gratitude and smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2015 ⏰

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