Chapter 19 The bird has whistled...

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Melissa gently patted B.O.B's back and calmly said
"B.O.B.....are those two names in this rock circle your....parents?"
"Why yes, they died protecting me from the Dirtians. For I was a genetically advanced offspring in which I had a high intelligence far beyond others. I've taken the time to learn everything once I left my pod."
"So....your..a nerd?!" Melissa outbursts with a disgusted tone.
"Um.....?" B.O.B replied with a confused expression.
"Sorry if I had to ruin the moment, continue your personal life story that I'm just so INTERESTED in!" Melissa sarcastically grumbled.
"Ok...continuing, at some point the Dirtians noticed how far advanced my cerebrum was developed compared to the rest of my species. Putting me in great risk throughout the rest of my living being. Ultimately leading to the utterly painful death of both of my biological parents to protect me." B.O.B said melancholy and shedding a tear in which shimmered downwards upon Melissa's hand.


Melissa's POV
...EWW!!! Alien tear on my hand! Who KNOWS if it has alien disease nerd pox! Omg....Melissa, darling, calm.....down....ok. Be nice to the little mutant, his family died. At least both of mine are alive...oh no! Speaking of my parents, how the filibusters are they doing?!


B.O.B stared at her while she stood absent minded of him. B.O.B took her hand gently,
"Melissa, I sense an aggravated atmosphere around your body. What is the matter?" B.O.B calmly said towards her in which she snapped out of her thoughts to face him.
"Sorry, it's just-it's just...",
"You miss your biological parents and planet..." B.O.B spoke softly.
"HUH?!", spatted Melissa in amazement,
"How in all of the nasty dirt pit can you read minds?! That is a VIOLATION of privacy!!!" Melissa squealed in embarrassment as she stormed off. Yanking off the dead, Martian, shriveled up, corpse she wore as a disguise.



Oh ROCKS! She is entering my dome-
"HEY FREAKS!" yelled Melissa as she took her disguise off. "You listen to me you...oh....pickles! What...have...I DONE?!"
Melissa said petrified with my uncle S.L.E.H and aunt S.K.U.R standing in front of her with blank expressions. It was quiet, intense silence filled the dome with even A.S.P quiet.
And there goes the first human I ever met...
"Well...big brother, what is that thing?" Asked A.S.P with my uncle S.L.E.H jumping in up most joy. Aunt S.K.U.R brought up with an outburst,
"B.O.B....why? just...just....why? I raised you right haven't I? Tell me spouse! Did I raise him right?!"
S.L.E.H just hugged Melissa with not even the slightest attention to what S.K.U.R said.
"WELL! Did I?!" She repeated, ".....uh.....I"
Aunt S.K.U.R bashed S.L.E.H onto the ground. I have absolutely no idea of how she had her name of "Sweet. kind. understanding. responsible" came from.

Back on Earth...

At 3:00 a.m on Earth, Melissa's father was rewiring the laptop, that the nurse brought, to the hospital system to synchronize it to the pod with NASA codes.
"Oh sweetie, what in the blazes are you doing? We should be checking out of the hospital and going to NASA and sue!" rambled Melissa's mother. Melissa's father slowly turned to her, "Well, I'm trying to modify my laptop to a connection detector by taping into Mars satellite signals, and configure it with NASA codes to get in touch with Melissa in the pod. After all, heh heh heh....she is not going to Mars until two more days." he said with a grimace.
"I'm trying to call our daughter from outer space from here on my computer..." said Melissa's father slowly.
"OHHH....ok!" happily said Melissa's mother as she immediately fell upon her pillow emitting loud snores. Melissa's father giggles,
"Why need my daughter when I have her grown up twin as a spouse...". Candy pounced onto his lap and rested for the time being.


At 6: 13 a.m. and it's Saturday morning, in the hospital room. With the whole hospital into morning rush already with sirens blaring outside, patients wheezing, and the crazy cat lady refusing medication at the desk.


"BY JOE! I've done it!" shouted Melissa's father exhilarated, a wide grin from ear to ear. His adrenaline rushes through his very soul as he jumped out of his hospital bed with a *PLOP* on the floor. "Owww.....shouldn't have done that ..." Wearily said Melissa's father with a feeble push off the ground and sat up back into the bed, with the laptop on his knees.
"What an epic fail..." said Melissa's mother as she laughed and phoned a nurse to bring up breakfast.
"Get me some eggs and bacon with a side of orange juice please?" Said Melissa's father realizing its morning and he haven't even ate last night. And the barking stomach making him cringe with hunger.
"What do you think this place is? An IHOP?! They have oatmeal, milk, water, and panc-"
"PANCAKES!!!" Blared out Melissa's father with up most glee.
"Bring up some pancakes dear, and I'll have the oatmeal with water. Be sure to include a big stack for my 10 year old husband. 😆 " chuckled Melissa's mother splitting her sides as she placed the phone down.
"Hey! No matter how old you are, you can always eat pancakes..." Retorted Melissa's father as he slumped into his bed and continued his connections to Mars.


Back to Mars!

"OH my rocks, I'll be stinkin' RICH! Imagine it, 'Human female: alive and real' this will bring great publicity to my human collectable warehouse!" S.L.E.H cheered in circles around Melissa.
"You mean junkyard, not warehouse..." said S.K.U.R with A.S.P giggling and snorting in the back then going to his room slowly.
"IT AIN'T A JUNKYARD!" exclaimed S.L.E.H. "For your information, DEAR! MY place may not be the universe's popular shop at the moment, but with her! She can place me up with the big guys, MUSEUMS! I always had a dream of running one with all my intriguing items from Earth." Explained S.L.E.H with a deep longing in his eyes. as he placed a hand on a photo of an alien Martian with a red gooey beard and a uni-brow.
"Um...eww, that thing needs a serious waxing now..." Said Melissa.
"That there, little hatchling is my father who ran the collectable shop that I now run." S.L.E.H sternly countered as he gazed into the portrait more.
"My know just as well as I do that humans are feared and banned from mars. Any trance of them leads to Martians to eliminate whatever it is out of dread. The rumors about them are horrid, having all of the empire to no longer mention them. Removed all books of information on them, out to destroy all those pathetic robots that roam on the surface, everything!" S.K.U.R said glaring at Melissa's with worry.
"Don't worry, I'm not gonna ransacked your 'dome' or anything. Do I look like trouble, wait...don't answer that." Replied gradually hoping that she won't become a exhibition to strange creatures.

Melissa's POV
Well than! This is how it feels to be a dolphin about to go into an aquarium knowing many will look at you doing your business....ehh.....then again I could be famous...wait, WHAT THE HECK?! I still don't want to be a sideshow attraction. To ugly freaks that could go for a spa treatment...that's awful! BOB?! I latched onto B.O.B and was behind his quivering for the worst as B.O.B stood up for me. "I won't let a thing bother her the slightest! Uncle, have some decency, she needs to go home badly for she longs for her parents just as much as I do for my own. And that feeling is beyond torture for the soul as it is.." he said then turned to me and held my hand. My face lit up with a smile.


Sorry it took forever😅, time flew by and before you know it, it's been months. I made it long for you guys and thanks for many votes. It's what keeps me writing, knowing I have such devoted readers!💚

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