Chapter 11 Met BOB!!!

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After like, 30 minutes or so of explaining...she realizes what really happened and Melissa's father hopes she understand. She questioned him "And's both your faults?" He answered back, "yeah...😅". They giggled a bit but, both looked out the hospital window and they both wished that their daughter was alright...


The space pod swished around in space, as Melissa nearly barfed up all her guts. "Ohhhhhhhh looooooorrddd!!!! said Melissa tearing up that fact she may perish on this blasted journey. The space pod entered the atmosphere. As the space pod past through the atmosphere with flames, Melissa panicked but knew there was a fire extinguisher in the back of the pod. She had to wait until she landed. Crud. The pod bursted past the Martian sky and landed on mars. "Wooooooooaaaaaahhhhhh" yelled out Melissa as she was vibrating around in her seat. She floated out of the seat and grabbed a spacesuit in the tiny compartment on the back of the pod. "Oh great...they could at LEAST put some sparkles..." Mumbled Melissa as she got in it with caution. I don't want this thing exploding on me!

Melissa saw a rock up ahead of the space pod and she started to freak out. "Oh....poop..." She mumbled with fear printed across her face and right when she took cover the space pod smashed against the massive boulder and it stopped...she wasn't moving, she was still shaking from the impact. she peered over the controls and saw an enormous crack on the glass. She looked around for any shards that may be left, "Oh thank the LORD!! I'm still alive and surely there ain't no stray pieces of glass neither....." she paused, staring at the little circular window on the exit door. "Wow..I'm on mars..." She said astonished, "so...THIS is the place mankind want to visit!?!!" she said disgusted as she opened the exit door of the pod and took her first steps on mars. She was so glad she managed to put on that baggy, spacesuit on time with the lack of air on this accursed planet.


What is this beautiful creature...? What is it..? Where did it came from? It could be a lost tourist!!! I shall introduce myself...


Melissa heard footsteps coming from behind the massive boulder that she crashed at. "Hello..?" said Melissa a bit nervous of what it may be, "um...are you one of those rover thingies...?" She said a bit nervous. WTH am I doing...its just this tight helmet, straining the blood flow of my brain.

Melissa went closer to the boulder. She was shocked to find something neon green, lanky, tall peering out of the boulder. "OMG!!!!! WTH ARE YOU?!?!?!!" shrieked Melissa in terror.

"Omg....o...m...g!!!First, stay AWAY!!!! and second GET LOST!!!!!" said Melissa yelling trembling and slowly crept back. The alien stood there, staring into her eyes with curiosity.

"H...ell....o?" said the alien as Melissa bewildered and more calm. "h..i?" said Melissa a bit puzzled as she came closer. "Hi? I didn't learn that in my English book..." said the alien with the same confused face as her. Melissa laughed at its expression and that's when the weirdest friendship started to emerge.

The Alien Named: BOBWhere stories live. Discover now