Yes! Five Bucks!

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"You have four suitcases." I said.

"I know." Kendall said.

"Four of yours and two of mine will not fit in the RV." I said.

"Oh they will." Kendall said. I rolled my eyes.

"Five bucks they won't." I said.

"You're on!" Kendall said. We shook hands. I smirked as Kendall loaded the suitcases into the car and we were off. Everyone was already there, but due to Kendall taking too long to pack we were late. 

"LET'S GO!" Carlos said when we finally arrived.

"Yeah, come on guys." Logan said.

"Sorry, Kendall took too long to pack." I said.

"Seriously man? I have three kids to pack for and I still beat you here." Carlos said, laughing.

"Yeah, yeah." Kendall said. "Come on Abs let's get this on the RV."

"Oh no," I said. "Our bet remember."

"Oh yeah." Kendall said. He started grabbing the suitcased.

"Geez Abs did you have to pack so much?" James asked.

"Only two of them are mine." I admitted. "The rest are Kendall's."

"So what is this bet?" Logan asked.

"That Kendall could not fit all four of his and the two of mine into the RV." I said. We all stood there and watched as Kendall loaded all the suitcases into the RV. There was nothing but silence as everyone listened. We could hear Kendall moving around.

"Come on." I heard Kendall said. "You are all going to fit." I started to laugh a little. "Come on I do not have five dollars to give to Abby. "

"Oh, but you will." I said. I knew Kendall could not hear me.

"You. Are. All. Going. To. Fit." Kendall said. He sounded like he was getting out of breath.

"Logan, go save him." I said.

"Why do I have to do it? He is your boyfriend." Logan said.

"Logan Phillip Henderson. Go!" I said. Logan groaned and sulked into the RV. I could hear the commotion as they both tried to fit things into it. I heard something break and I rolled my eyes. I watched as Logan came out with two suitcases in his hands. I burst into laughter as Kendall came sulking his way out of the RV.

"Oh shut up." Kendall said as he handed me a five dollar bill.

"Yes! Never mess with the master!" I said. I fist pumped James and we got into RV. 

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