RV Surprises

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Kendall was in the drivers seat listening along to his favorite bands, some times the songs of Big Time Rush and Heffron Drive come through. I was sitting in the back looking through the cook books I brought with me. I have been in love with cooking since high school.

"Hey, what are you reading?" Kendall asked, turning the music down.

"A cook book." I admitted.

"I knew you packed some!" Kendall said, laughing.

"Of course." I said, smiling.

"You know I do have a surprise for you." Kendall said.

"What surprise could you have in an RV?" I asked. I watched Kendall as he raised an eyebrow.

"Oh you have no idea." Kendall said, smirking.

"Oh god." I said. "Should I be scared?" I asked.

"Of course not." Kendall said. "Did you notice that the RV has a kitchen?" Kendall asked.

"Yes." I said, sitting up and placing the book on my lap. "It is literally right there." I pointed to the area right across from where I was sitting at.

"Well, maybe you should check the kitchen out." Kendall said. I looked at him for a moment before putting the book down and heading across to the kitchen. I opened up all the cupboards and looked into everything. It was filled with food and ingredients, everything I would need to cook.

"What is this?" I asked.

"Well, just because we are on this RV so I can tour with the band does not mean you don't have to do something you love too." Kendall said. He smiled at me. I was looking through everything when I heard the tires screech across the pavement. "KENDALL!"

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