RV Troubles

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"KENDALL!" I shouted as the RV came to a stop. I heard the crash of something. I walked up to the front of the RV. "What happened?"

"There was something in the road so I swerved so I did not hit it and I sort of hit a tree." Kendall said.

"Oh no." I said. Kendall opened the RV doors and we left the RV.  I walked to the front of the RV to see the front smashed into a tree. "KENNNDDDAAAALLLLL" I whined.

"I'll..." he coughed. "I will go call the guys."

"I guess I will find a tow truck and an auto shop to have this fixed." I said. I took out of my phone to find an auto shop in the area.

An hour later Kendall and I were in the RV which was attached to a tow truck on our way to the nearest auto shop to fix the RV. I was not really mad at Kendall for swerving. I would have too.

"Good news that they said it would not take them more than a few hours to fix the RV and AND we are not that far from the first concert so we will still make it in time."  Kendall said. I looked at him and he pouted his lips at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Well, there is something just a couple of miles up the road that we could do to pass the time." Kendall said.

"Oh yeah?" I asked. "What is it?"

"Um... nothing. Just a game of golf." Kendall said. He put his hands up and put his lip out even more.

"Does Kendall want to play golf?" I asked.

"Yes, Kendall wants to play golf." Kendall said. I laughed.

"OK Kendall, we can go play golf." I said.

"YES!" Kendall said, standing up and putting his fist in the air. He went to the back of the RV. I could hear him going through things.

"What are you doing?" I asked. Kendall came out of the back pouting.

"My golf stuff... it's in Logan and James' RV." Kendall said.

"So, no golfing for Kendall?" I asked.

"No golfing for Kendall."

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