Another Surprise for Kendall

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"Hunter listen..." I started to say, but before I could finish, I felt lips touch mine. I looked up to see that Hunter was just inches from my face. "Hunter, what do you think you are doing?"

"Something I have been thinking about doing since the day you walked out of my life." Hunter said. I backed away.

"Kendall is in the other room." I said.

"Oh, come on." Hunter said. "You cannot say that you have not thought about us in all these years."

"I have not." I said. "I have Kendall... speaking of him... KENDALL!" I shouted his name. I knew they have not started the music yet and that he could hear me.

"Abby! Abby, what is it?!" Kendall said, quickly coming out of the room they were going to be rehearsing in. Logan, James, and Carlos were right behind him. "What happened?!"

"Hunter, he kissed me." I said.

"SHE IS LYING!" Hunter shouted.

"I AM NOT!" I shouted back.

"Kendall come on, who are you going to believe?"  Hunter asked.

"Is he serious right now?" Logan asked.

"Kendall, if you do not do I am." James said.

"Do what?" I asked.

"Yeah, do what?" Hunter asked.  I watched as Kendall brought his hand into a fist. His hand went back behind his head. Hunter must have seen what was going to happen because he closed his eyes as Kendall's fist came out and connected to Hunter.

"Do not touch MY Abby."

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