A Talk With Hunter

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Hey guys! So that last one was not real. It was a fill in. Hopefully you figured that out by the end of it when I said "CAPTAIN SEXY PANTS!" I swear I cant get enough of that nickname. It makes me laugh every time. I even watch that video sent by Abby and I have to stop after "Hey there captain sexy pants here" because I cannot stop laughing. 

Anyway, the fill in was because my laptop broke (currently using my mothers) and I had lost the one that I had and I have not for the life of me been able to remember what I had on there so here is a brand new one I have been working on when I can.

Anyway, I have published another book. The sequel to the book I published three years ago. It somehow took me too long to publish it and I will no longer let that happen. I have another concept I would like to try to work on. It is called CoverGirl. It is based on the song by BTR and I have gotten as far as planning out the plot. Which is just simply girl thinks she is not good enough meets a boy and he tries to change her mind. Working out the other kinks, but so far I am loving it. Too afraid to tell the boys though.


So Kendall was not really on the RV. I dreamt the whole group text messages. After seeing the story about what people have believed was a break up, I texted Kendall to make sure we were at least still together, but he did not text me back. I just put myself to bed. I had to force myself to shut my brain off and get some sleep.

I woke up to the sun being out and the RV was still moving. I got up from the bed and walked to the front.

"Where are we?" I asked Hunter who was still driving. I checked my phone. I had no messages from anyone, but I seen that it was almost eleven in the morning. "Check in at the next spot was ten. Why aren't we there yet?"

"I was told to drive you to the next one." Hunter said.

"But that means we will not see the boys for three days." I pointed out.

"I know, but I am just doing what I am told to do." Hunter said.

"From who?" I asked. "Who told you to keep driving?"

"Kendall." Hunter said. I did not believe him. I pulled up his contact and I hit the call button. The phone rang five times before someone answered. Kendall used to answer on the second ring.

"Hey Abby," Logan answered.

"Logan? Why are you answering Kendall's phone? Is Kendall OK? Did something happen to him?" I asked.

"Kendall is fine. He just... he needs a few days." Logan said. "Hunter is going to take you to the next stop and by then Kendall should... could possibly be ready to talk again. He just needs some space. Plus we think you and Hunter needs some time to talk too."

"What do Hunter and I need to talk about?" I asked.

"Did he know you were with Kendall when you finally broke the engagement?" Logan asked. I did not say anything which gave them the answer. "We will see you in a few days. Good luck." The dial tone was there. I hung up the phone.

"So... am I turning around?" Hunter asked. I wiped a tear that went down my cheek before I could stop it.

"No. Um... we need to talk." I said.

"Listen, if it was about the kiss to be honest I do not know what came over me. I just had the instinct to do it." Hunter said. "It was probably just old feelings I did not know I still had."

"No, it is not about that," I said. 

"Then what is it about?" Hunter asked.

"I was not being completely honest when I broke off our engagement." I said. "When I said that I needed time to myself and that things were not going to work out and that I was not ready to be engaged or married..."

"Yeah, I do not really need a recap of what you said." Hunter said.

"I left one thing out." I said. "I left out a piece of information that I should have said that night, but I did not do it because I did not want to hurt you more than I knew I was already hurting you by breaking off the engagement."

"So, tell me." Hunter said.

"Tell you what?" I asked.

"The night we got engaged. The night you asked me to marry you and I said yes..." I said. "That was the night I also met Kendall."

"oh," Hunter said. There was a moment of silence and then Hunter sighed and he pulled over to the side of the road. "Were you with Kendall... were you two together together when you broke off our engagement?"

"Yes," I said lightly. Hunter sighed again. He pulled back into the road and continued to drive. I took his silence as him needed some place. I wanted to text Kendall and tell him we had the talk, but Logan was right. I needed to give Kendall space and I will even if it kills me. 

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