Well, That Was Awkward

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"Um..." I said.

"You can tell me anything." Kendall said.

"I know I can." I said.

"Well, what is it?" Kendall asked. "Logan made it sound like it was life or death."

"Yeah, remind me to kill hm later." I said. Kendall nodded but did not say anything. "Let's go outside and talk." I pulled Kendall out of the building and away from everyone. We walked a little ways until we came to what looked like a stone bench built into a wall. We both sat down, but I still did not say anything. I knew Kendall was staring at me and was waiting for me to say something, but nothing came out.

"Abby, are you breaking up with me?" Kendall asked

"Well, I am not, but after I am done talking you might want to be the one to do the dumping." I said.

"I do not think I am going to like this." Kendall said. I took a deep breath.

"Um..." I started it off. "You know that I was in culinary school with Hunter."

"Yeah, I found that out over an hour ago." Kendall said. "But we met in culinary school and I met all your friends from there and I never met him. I think I would remember him."

"Well, he was not my friend at the time." I said.

"So you two were friends?" Kendall asked.

"Well, you could say that he was a type of friend." I said.

"What type of friend?" Kendall asked. I took another deep breath.

"The one that has the word boy in front of it." I said.

"I see. He was your boyfriend." Kendall said.

"Yes." I said. "But that is not the end of it."

"What else is there?" Kendall asked.

"Do you remember the night we met?" I asked.

"Of course." Kendall said. "You literally ran into me in the park." Kendall chuckled. "You were running from something and did not see me."

"Yeah, I was," I said. "The truth is. I was running from Hunter, but it isn't like it sounds."

"Sounds like he was creep back then." Kendall said.

"No." I said. "I was running because Hunter proposed." I took a deep breath. "Kendall, I was engaged when I met you."

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