Kendall's Surprise

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I stood there shocked.

"Um... who is this?" Kendall asked. I turned around.

"This... this... um..." I started to say.

"I am Hunter. I used to go to culinary school with Abby." Hunter said.

"But we met when she was in culinary school." Kendall said. He looked at me. Hunter looked at me as well.

"He does not know does he?" Hunter asked. I gulped.

"Know what?" Kendall asked. "Abby, just tell me."

"Come on man, we need to rehearse." Logan said, coming over and standing next to Kendall.

"In a minute." Kendall said, not looking away from me.

"Kendall, come on." Logan said, trying to pull him away. 

"I SAID IN A MINUTE!" Kendall shouted. Logan looked at him for a moment before walking away. Kendall looked back at me again. "What do I not know Abby?"

"Well, the night we met... it was right after Hunter and I ended things..." I said. Kendall looked at me for a moment.

"I have to go rehearse." Kendall said before walking away.

"KENDALL!" I tried to call back to him, but he just waved me off and walked into the room.

"So... do you want to go hang out?" Hunter asked. "We could do other things." I looked at him as he winked at me.

"Hunter, listen..."

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