First Stop and a Surprise

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The RV was fixed quickly and we were back on the road. This time I drove while Kendall sat in the passenger's seat moping over not being able to golf. I had to admit that I found the sulking face cute. We made it to the hotel that was not far from the venue.

"Finally!" Carlos said as I parked.

"You two are worse than we are." Logan said. Kendall got out of the RV.

"Logan! You took my golf clothes!" Kendall sulked. Everyone looked at me.

"He was hoping to play a round of golf as we waited for the RV to be fixed." I explained. Everyone rolled their eyes.

"Well, the concert is tomorrow I was thinking that we could go up to the room and take a shower and then we all meet for dinner." I suggested.

"Actually, the people catering the concert invited us to the venue tonight for a little pre-concert get together." Logan said.

"Sounds like a plan." I said. I took my suitcases and headed inside. I got the room key and then headed up to the room.

An hour later I was ready and Kendall was just coming through the door. I rolled my eyes as he hurried up to get ready. Once he was finally ready we met everyone down in the hotel lobby and we all got into the van waiting for us. The drive to the venue was quick. The guys were discussing what songs they wanted to play. Mica, Alexa, and I just talked to each other.

"We are here!" The driver said. I watched as four of the guys tried to get out of the van at the same time. I laughed as they fell to the ground.

"Not funny." Kendall said. They stood up as the rest of us got out. We walked into the venue and was greeted by the catering team.

"Abby?" I turned my head to the sound of my name.


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