Seeing Kendall

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Being away from Kendall for a couple of days killed me. I kept tabs on him through the fans that went to the shows. He seemed pretty happy. I did what Logan suggested and gave him a few days without contact but now the guys were supposed to arrive any minute. I was nervous.

"They are almost here." Hunter said, coming to the back of the RV where I spent all of my time after my talk with Hunter. 

Honks were heard, but I did not move. I still laying there on the bed. 

I could hear the doors open, but I did not move. 

I heard footsteps, but I did not move.

I did not know who was coming in, but I still did not move.

I heard someone move the curtain, but I still did not move.

"Hey Abby," I heard Logan say, but I still did not move. I just kept scrolling on my phone. "Hunter said you have not really spoken since you two finally talked. So, are you guys good?" I did not answer Logan. I did not even look at Logan. "Abby, come on." I finally turned around.

"What do you want Logan?" I asked.

"Well, I..." Logan started to say. He moved his hand through his hair.

"What is it that you actually want? Is there a reason you came in here?" I asked. "Did you come in here to make sure that I talked to him?" I could feel the anger I did not know I had build up. "Did you come in here to check on me because he is too big of a COWARD to do it himself?" I asked, shouting to make sure he could hear me. "Let me guess he is RIGHT OUTSIDE WAITING TO HEAR FROM YOU INSTEAD OF COMING IN HERE HIMSELF!" Logan backed away and I closed the curtain in his face. I could hear him walk away, but I also heard other footsteps.

"She is all yours man." Logan said. The next second the curtain opened and Kendall appears.

"Hey..." Kendall said.


"Um... I miss you?" Kendall said. I glared at him and threw a pillow at him. He caught it and chuckled. "Good thing you have not changed in the last few days."

"Was I supposed to?" I asked.

"No." Kendall said. "I know that it was not fair of me to not talk to you for a few days, but I knew that you and Hunter needed to talk before I did something I have been waiting to do." I raised my eyebrow as Kendall took my hand and pulled me out of the RV. We got outside, but there was no one out here. None of the other members, but neither of the fans that usually stood outside for hours before each concert. Kendall pulled me inside and to the stage. Everything was so dark when we stood on stage. "Lights please!" Kendall shouted and suddenly there was a light shining us. "Abby, I have spent the last two years loving the most amazing person in my life and I want to spend the rest of my life loving the same person. Will you please do me the honor of becoming my wife? Abby, will you marry me?"


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