The Text

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I was on the bed laying down when my phone dinged. I looked and seen I had a text message.

Kendall: Hey

Abby: Hey

Kendall: I guess you saw the news

Abby: You mean the one that says we are broken up

Kendall: Did my face really look like that?

Abby: Kinda but it's my fault for not saying anything from the beginning. Remind me to tell Henderson he better find a good hiding spot

Kendall: You sweat there is nothing there for Hunter anymore?

Abby: I swear the only reason it took long to say anything is because I didn't want to hurt his feelings but I ended up hurting the both of you

Kendall: Are you two hanging out?

Abby: No. I am in the back while he is driving.

Kendall: oh I thought that since I wasn't on the bus you two would be hanging out

Logan: Kendall you are on her RV. Didn't you tell her you watched her walk to the back and then snuck back on the RV

Kendall: How are you even in this conversation?

James: You started this awkward conversation in the group chat

Abby: KENDALL!!!

Kendall: oops my bad

Carlos: Does this mean you guys made up?

Abby: Are you really on this RV?

Kendall: Yup you listen to depressing music when you are sad

Abby: Seriously Kendall?

James: This is now getting sad

Kendall: Shut up James

Logan: Are you two seriously okay now?

Kendall: We are but you might want to go hide whenever Abby is around

Logan: She wouldn't

Abby: oh she would


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