Answering Kendall

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Kendall stood there waiting for the answer.

"I.." I could not help but notice people in the crowd. I got nervous as they waited for my answer.

"Abby, look at me. Look right at me." Kendall said, bringing my attention back to him. He could see I was nervous. "Just focus on me." I nodded. 

"If you say so." I said, making Kendall chuckle. Everything went silent. Everyone was waiting for my answer. "Um... can we talk? You know somewhere where there is not a spotlight shinning into my face?"

"Um... sure..." Kendall said. he grabbed my hand and pulled me off the stage. I could hear people starting to murmur together as we walked away.  I know that this cannot be good. We walked back to the dressing room. Kendall started to walk back and forth.

"Kendall I-" I was interrupted by Kendall blurting out. 

"Did I do something wrong? I know that making you ride with Hunter and talk with him was kind of rough and rude, but you needed to talk to him about everything and I knew you would not have done it on your own so I thought that I was doing something good for you and if that is going to change your mind about us then tell me what I can do to change it back." Kendall said.

"Woah there cowboy slow down." I said, laughing.

"What is so funny?" Kendall asked as I continued to laugh.

"You." I said.

"What about me?" Kendall asked. "Do you have an answer or not?"

"Yes I do." I said. "The answer is...

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