Kendall Knows

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"Wait, you were engaged when we met?" Kendall asked. I nodded. "When did you two end things?"

"Um... two months later..." I said.

"Two months... two months... TWO MONTHS!"  Kendall said. "Abby we started dating two weeks later."

"I know..." I said.

"That means for six weeks you were cheating on someone and not just anyone your fiancé. He was your fiancé and  I just..." Kendall stopped talking.

"Kendall, listen to me." I said. He looked at me. "I know it sounds bad; it is bad, but I can tell you it is not at all like it sounds."

"Fine then explain how it is supposed to be." Kendall said.

"I said yes and then something happened at the next moment and that is why I was running, but then I bumped into you and then we spent the next two weeks together and it was amazing, and I had so much fun that when you asked me to be your girlfriend, I did not give it another thought." I explained.

"So, you were with me and engaged to him for six weeks." Kendall said.

"Yes, but that is only because I did not know how to tell him it was over." I said.

"But you did right? Like you are not secretly engaged to him right now?" Kendall asked.

"No, I am not secretly engaged." I said. Kendall nodded. No one said anything. I did not know what to say and Kendall just sat there. I heard footsteps walk up.

"There you two are!" Logan said as he appeared. 

"Hey Logan." Kendall said.

"Yeah, hey Henderson!" I said, glaring at him.

"Oh good you told him." Logan said.

"You knew?" Kendall asked.

"Yeah, I um was there when she ended the engagement." Logan said. "Um the day you sent me to pick her up from her house and she was there."

"Explains a lot." Kendall said. "I'm going to rehearse." Kendall walked away without another word. Logan looked at me.

"Everything will be alright between you two." Logan said.

"You better hope so Henderson."

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