"You're far from a lady."

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My classes were all assigned and with a once over of what I knew apparently, I was more than ready to go to classes. After the talk I had with McGonagall I was heading off for lunch when a group of people stood between me and the great hall. They wore the Slytherin uniform.

"Is there a reason you're standing there? Or is this an intimidation strategy?" the boy in the middle stepped forward light blonde hair and pale skin.

"So you're the vampire girl. Von Stein, was it? My father knows all about your family. You will be kicked out before the end of the week." He seemed pretty happy with himself, especially for someone who brings their parents into a pointless argument.

"I'm sure he thinks he does but I can assure you this." I came up to whisper in his ear. "It's a lot worse." His blood went cold making me chuckle. "Someones afraid. I'd stay away from me. Word goes around to my father then you're sucked dry." Smiling I walked past as the group parted like the sea for me.

"(y/n) over here!" George called out and I smiled nicely this time going over to them.

"What did you say to Malfoy?" Fred said and I glanced back to see him walking away from the hall. Scared out of his mind.

"It looks like he shat himself." Someone further down the table said and I shrugged grabbing a plate.

"Nothing special, I just wanted something to eat I'm starving." My stomach growled at me for food and as I started eating. People started watching me eat like they don't do it every day.

"I'm sorry but I've got to ask, how are you eating food?" A girl asked with a bob cut. My eyebrows knitted together.

"With my mouth, how do you eat food? Shove it up your ass?" Fred and George almost spat out the food they were chewing as a bunch of others laughed. I smiled into my drink.


It just hit past eleven and the common area was empty. I sat by the fire watching the flames. I've always wondered why people huddle around the heat so much. It feels nice I suppose but cool air always makes me feel alive.

A pair of hushed laughter sent me out of my daze as the twins came back into the common room.

"Oh hey, darling what you doing up?" Fred asked with coal or something similar on his cheeks. The pair slumped down on either side of me on the couch.

"I go to sleep late most nights. Did you two go through a coal mine on the way here?" they both chuckled.

"We just finished a prank. All ready for tomorrow." George rubbed his hands together and I made an o shape with my mouth.

"You're both covered in something," I whispered as I tried directing them to where the smudges were. "No ugh here." Leaning right into Fred I cleaned off the smudge with ease. "There you go all clean." And I turned to George doing the same but stopped when I went to move away. "You're eyes are different. There are more golden highlights." Whispering this mostly to myself after a moment of staring I sat back up straight. They both let out a relaxed sigh. It went quiet for a moment so I glanced back confused only for a split second seeing the pair of them making angry gestures to each other. "You're both acting strange tonight."

"You're studying in the dead of night? What's got you acting insane?" Fred said leaning up to look at the textbook I was reading.

"You were there when my father told me I had to ace all my classes right." Sighing this out I shut the book making it to the end anyway.

"You haven't been to one class yet, calm down." Shrugging my shoulders I stared out of the fire once more.

"I've never done much other than study and becoming a 'lady'" Making a gross face I crossed my arms slouching on the couch with a huff.

"You're far from a lady." I whipped my head to George and he raised his hands in defence. "I didn't mean anything by it." A smile spread across my face as I giggled.

"Haha, you were scared. No, I'm not a lady, I can be whatever I bloody want." Sticking out my tongue with a smile I stood quickly. "I should head up to my room we've got class in the morning." Stretching for a moment.

"We can meet you here before breakfast," Fred suggested and I tapped his shoulder twice as I yawned.

"Sure, this lady needs an escort. Bang on my door if I sleep in. Top door. Night." I knew the likely hood of me getting to sleep was low until after midnight but one can't help but try.

"She's going to need some fun in her life before she dies of boredom," Fred said as I was walking up the stairs. He was trying to make sure I couldn't hear but I suspect they didn't know how good my hearing was.


Waking up to a loud banging on my door I groaned rolling out of bed in my long sleeve sweater with a yawn. Swinging open the door George stood there about to knock again seeing my hair in a messy bun and a very short sweater. He gulped.

"Mmmm morning." I breathed out before yawning.

"Hey, George hurry up. A prefect is eyeballing me." Confused I leant out, leaning on the bedroom door frame to see Fred keeping an eye out. "Good morning beautiful." He flashed me a smile and winked before his smile fell. "Oh hey, Tess I've been meaning to talk with you."

"You should change. We're running out of time to have breakfast." Nodding George left back down the stairs. It only took me a second to finish changing and grabbing my books into a book bag. Fixing up my hair into a messy milk braid I was finishing it up while walking down the stairs. Fred and George were talking with the prefect when I came down.

"(y/n) there you are. We're going to be late for breakfast." Fred said grabbing onto my shoulders ignoring the glare he got from the prefect pushing me out of the common room.

"Why was she glaring at you? You were just helping me get out of bed." They held in a laugh before realising I was being serious.

"Oh well there's the obvious reasons but Tess wants to avoid another shampoo incident." My eyebrows knitted together as Fred remembered what happened.

"We add something to a shampoo of one of the girls. Her hair changed colour every day for a month." The stairs we were on finished moving and we started making our way down to the hall.

"Why was she mad. That sounds cool."

"Well, she's more of an uptight person. No imagination. Unlike you." Fred smiled and I gave him a small smile before walking further down the hall.

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