"Was I too blunt?"

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Christmas was coming up once more the twins had convinced me to go with them to a safe place for the two weeks. A hidden house in London. The likely chance of someone finding me was unlikely and it was surrounded by magic. I woke up trying to find the twins for breakfast but they weren't anywhere. Getting worried I fiddled with the bracelet they gave me when Hermione came up to me.

"(y/n) The twin's father was hurt last night, they left to meet him at the hospital. I thought you ought to know." I stopped for a moment shocked.

"Is Mr Weasley alright? What happened?" She purses her lips together thinking for a moment.

"Harry didn't go into detail. You can come with us on the train to meet them tomorrow." I was taken back since I'd never taken the train before but nodded knowing it was now the only way out of school.

"Okay. Thank you." She smiled at me before I left to gather myself for the trip.


It was quiet in the train carriage. Hermione was reading while Harry was just looking outside. I was sketching in my notebook between drifting off.

"Anything from the trolley dears?" Harry and Hermione said no but I got up taking a few things including a bloodsucker lollipop. I spent the rest of the trip to myself reading a book and followed Harry along with Hermione through the train station. Looking around the large platform filled with people.

"(y/n)!" Two people cheered out, Fred and George came up to us wrapping me into a tight hug.

"Let's get these bags, come on love." George took hold of the suitcase I was holding taking us through the station.

"Follow us." Fred whispered coming up to a wall and walking through it. My eyebrows knitted together and sucking in a breath I walked through. Fred court me. "Wonderful love." He whispered kissing me softly for a moment before the others came walking through.

"Where are we going exactly?" I asked as Fred held a hand to my lower waist guiding me through the station.

"Headquarters." Hermione said as we came out of the train station. It was cloudy and getting dark from the train ride.


By the time we made it to the hidden house, it was dinner time.

"You three made it, go upstairs to put your things away. Hermione show (y/n) to your shared room." Giving Molly a small smile the twins gave me one last look before I went with Hermione to the room we were sharing with Ginny.

"You can take the bed by the window," Hermione said pointing to the last bed. Placing my things down she let out a sigh.

"Are you alright?" I asked tilting my head to the side while Hermione cleared her throat.

"It's nothing." She breathed out and I saw her hiding something into a book. A photograph maybe.

"Are you thinking about Ronald?" Her head whipped over at me and she became flustered.

"N-no of course not." Nodding my head I start to head down to the dining room.
"How did you come to that conclusion?" She whispered and I shrugged.

"You release hormones when you're around him. I won't say anything." Opening the door I watched Molly go through earlier everyone else was sitting at the table, apart from Arthur who must still be in the hospital.

"Everyone here now?" Molly quickly said before clapping her hands together. "Dig in."


I was sitting on my bed reading not really sure what to do this early in the morning, Ginny and Hermione were talking on Hermione's bed. They had a few items and we're wrapping them.

"(y/n) do you have anything for the twins?" I frowned slightly confused as to what Ginny meant.

"Do I have anything? What do you mean?" They gave each other a glance.

"How much do you know about Christmas?" Hermione asked and shutting the book I was read I crossed my legs on the bed.

"It's about spending time with family and you decorate a tree? I've never really looked into it." Shrugging my shoulders Ginny suddenly stood tossing my coat that hung by the door.

"We need to go shopping." Ginny declared swinging open the door I blinked at Hermione.

"Present giving is common for Christmas. Can't have you not prepared can we." Hermione grinned standing up. I grabbed my bookbag walking with them out of our shared room.

"Where are you three wondering off too?" Fred and George said at the same time popping out of nowhere.

"Oh, we're going..." Ginny didn't let me finish.

"Out for tea. A girls thing." She blurted out making me frown wondering what made her say that.

"I thought we were..." Hermione grabbed my shoulders.

"Come on if we wait too long, all the cake will be gone." She pushed me towards the stairs until we started walking down.

"Is it alright if I have scones or maybe some ice cream? Oh and some French earl grey tea." Glancing up at the twins to wave them goodbye they were grinning down at me as we left the house. Spraying some perfume on myself the girls took me through the London streets until we made it to a group of shops. "I was rather looking forward to afternoon tea, so what type of presents should I be looking for?" I spoke while looking at a stack of books and flicking through.

"Well, what do they like?" Hermione asked looking at a set of teacups.

"Sex is the first thing to come to mind." Ginny dropped the book she was reading and Hermione covered her mouth holding in a laugh. "What?"

"I really didn't need to hear that." Ginny groaned out hiding behind her hair.

"Was I too blunt?" Whispering this to Hermione she let out a laugh.

"Maybe just a little."

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