"So which one of you is dating her?"

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Fred, George and myself were playing cards in the living room, Molly and Ginny were shopping while Harry and Ron were eating lunch in the kitchen not too far from us.

"Hehe, I win again!" I cheered smiling grabbing the bet in the middle of the table. Chewing on the chocolate piece I giggled seeing the twins urging for the chocolate in my mouth. I wanted I cheer my victory on with Harry and Ron but they weren't in the kitchen anymore.

"Come on you have to be cheating." I gasped standing from the couch.

"I never. Fred, I'm..." He lunged at me pulling me back down to the couch tickling me. "Freddie stop!" Squeaking I laughed loudly as he continued to tickle me, George grabbed hold of my hands to stop me from pushing Fred off me. I could get out but it was too fun to spoil it for them. "Freddie!" I giggled but he suddenly kissed me stopping his previous actions. Fred pulled back not long after knowing I needed to catch my breath.

"You love being submissive don't you baby girl." That shot straight down between my legs as he husked into my ear and George's hands slid up and down my arms sending a shiver down my spine. Before he could say anything more Molly came bursting through the front door with a huff.

"Were back! Ron come down and help me unpack!" She shouted and I rolled Fred off of me George let go of my arms and I sat up. "Fred, what are you doing on the ground?" I held in a laugh as did George while fred sat up rubbing his head.

"I fell off the couch." She did a once over of the three of us before shaking her head.

"No matter, make sure to clean up before you three go wandering off." Molly said before packing things away.

"I'm just gonna head upstairs, my victory means no cleaning." which was the main bet we had before I added in the chocolate block.

"I still think you cheated." George now said defending his brother.

"You two George? I thought you'd be on my side." Smiling at them I disappeared up to my room to read a little between the boys cleaning up. I passed Ron on the way up since he was heading down to help Molly. Settling down on the bed I let out a relaxed sigh.

"So which one of you is dating her?" My ears perked at what Ron suddenly said and I stopped reading.

"What makes you ask that?" Fred said with another question and I heard a scoff from Ginny.

"Seriously. Everyone at school is talking about it. They all think you're taking turns at her and don't you think the guys haven't noticed on the Quidditch team that you've both got scratch marks on your backs." I gulped but Fred and George didn't get to say anything When Molly came back with another round of shopping.

When fred and George same walking up to my room I was very focused on the book I was meant to be reading. Why hadn't I ever heard anyone mention the rumours? Maybe I chose not to hear them.

"So I'm guessing you heard?" Fred asked when shutting the door behind them. I nodded hiding behind the book I was reading. George gently pulled it down to look me in the eye.

"It doesn't bother me what people think just how they know." They glanced at each other before sitting either side of me leaning against the headboard.

"Speculation." George grinned at me.

"And it probably doesn't help we've never spent so much time with a girl before." Fred chuckled and at the same time, they took hold of my hands.

"Why is that?" I questioned and they smiled down at me.

"Well, you've always been a mystery." George said squeezing my hand.

"And it's been our goal to teach you about fun. Most other girls only want one thing." I blinked being confused as to what he meant.

"Oh sex?" they shhhed me gazing at the door for a moment.

"Yeah, that." George breathed out lightly hitting his head on the headboard.

"I can see why you're both very good at intercourse." They gulped at the same time and their palms suddenly heated in my hands.

"It's not like I've done much of anything before this what about you George," Fred asked leaning over to look at his twin although I have a feeling he already knew the answer.

"Nope, nothing at all."

"Oh, a natural talent then." They burst out laughing holding onto their stomachs to try and stop the pain.

"You can be so blunt and open sometimes it's adorable." Glancing away from their faces I fiddled with my hands.

"And just so you know you've got a natural talent too." Smiling at George I nodded.

"Thanks," I spoke leaning forward to get out my pen and paper. "Wait where's my pen?" I asked myself looking under the bed for it.

"Baby girl don't bend over like that." I was confused by what he meant and glanced over to them.

"Why not I lost my pen." whining this out I pouted but then I saw the look Fred had, which was the same look George had but less discreet. "Oh wait I remember!" Going over to the window I peaked out spotting it on the ground. "Ah-ha." Before the twins could see what I was talking about I jumped down to the ground. I heard a scream just inside of the house. Molly stood there was a cloth in hand by a large window staring at me.
"I'm so sorry Molly I didn't mean to scare you." She held her hand over her heart catching her breath.

"You're fine dear just use the stairs next time." Fred and George were laughing up from the window of my room.

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