What Does Being in Love Mean?

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Amy x Rory and Whouffle though Amy x Rory is a bit more dominant in this one. I'm deeply sorry for my absence. I am a human being after all and have a life.
Clara's POV

I sang a tune while picking flowers in the garden, looking for the best one. There were so many, some I didn't even know. They all looked so beautiful too... But I had to choose four for Mr. Rory, Ms. Amy, Harold, and John.

I ended up with an assortment of flowers and turned back to the large backyard of Mr. Rory's home. I spotted Harold and John, Mr. Harold was snatching John's stuff while he tried to take it from him. I ran over as fast as my little legs could carry me. Even though I was nine, I was still short, which caused me to trip and fall. John was over in an instant and Harold picked up my basket.

"You need to be careful Clara, you could have gotten hurt." John said, helping me stand.

"Sorry... I just wanted to give you and Mr. Harold a flower!" I said, getting one from my basket that Mr. Harold gave back. I gave it to him and he smiled, taking it.

"Merci, little one." Harold said, practicing his French. I knew very little on how to speak French, but he taught me some words. Even though he was a few years older than me, (I was nine and he was eleven,) I was still a tiny bit angry at the fact he calls me little one. But I don't object to it, since I don't get mad that often.

"And for you!" I turned to John and gave him a flower, which only caused him to blush and Harold began to laugh.

"On dirait que quelqu'un est amoureux!" Harold said, continuing to laugh. Whatever he said made John flustered, causing him to run back into the house. I shrugged and ran up to Mr. Rory, who was reading a book on something. I tugged on his shirt, causing him to look down and a small smile graced his lips.

"Yes, Clara?"

"Mr. Rory, I have a flower for you!" I said, giving him one from my basket. He chuckled and took it from me, setting down his book on a nearby table and placing the flower on top. I also gave one to Ms. Amy, who let me next to her and put the flower on her hair. I began to think about what Harold said, but I only got the last word. Mr. Rory noticed it and asked me, "What's wrong Clara?"

"Mr. Rory, what does 'amoureux' mean?" I asked, trying to pronounce the word as best as I could.

"Oh, that means 'in love,' why do you ask?"

"I heard Mr. Harold say it. What does being 'in love' mean?" I knew what love was, I just didn't know what being 'in love' meant.

"Well, do you see people holding hands and smiling or looking at each other like they're happy? That's what in love means." Ms. Amy explained and I noticed that Ms. Amy was holding Mr. Rory's hand.

"Does Ms. Amy like Mr. Rory?" I asked and they looked surprised, until Amy just smiled.

"Yes Clara, I love Mr. Rory a lot."

His flush darkened slightly. He turned to look at her. His shoulders slumped when he looked her in the eye. He looked past me at Harold and John. When he saw they weren't paying attention, he leaned down and pecked her on the lips. She giggled after it, looking back at me.

"One day, you'll love someone, too, Clara." She smiled brightly, her eyes twinkling. She laid her head on Mr. Rory's shoulder. I smiled, climbing down off the table. I ran back to Harold and John, asking them about love, too. John didn't want to talk about it, so he made up an excuse and ran away. Harold only laughed, ruffled my hair, and followed him. I sat in the grass, looking toward the porch. Ms. Amy was still leaning on Mr. Rory. I smiled at their love. Maybe one day I'll find that perfect someone just like Mr. Rory and Ms. Amy have found each other.


Well, it sounds so bad, I just saw this one story of another OTP I have and well... Yea.

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