Caves of Truth (Part 3)

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"How are you going to help me? I don't even have a problem." Clara asked, an eyebrow raising.

"Don't you have a problem with a man? It's quite easy to tell, the way you walked into the caves." Discord started to float and he floated towards Clara, grinning. "And judging that you and your man was here several weeks ago, indicating that he was affected by the caves. Am I right?"


Thoughts were racing in the Doctor's head. Discord came from another dimension, wreaking havoc. Last the Doctor saw him was when he was with Rose and they defeated him for good.

Discord had a charm, you may call it. The ability to manipulate anybody's mind, make them do something just for the plain desire, whatever it could be.

"Clara?! Clara?" He called as he ventured closer and closer to the source of gold light. As he got closer, he could see the same man from a year or two back.

"Mm, hello Doctor." Discord said, not turning.

"Discord, where's Clara?"

"Right here!" He turned around, Clara was standing in front of him, her eyes having a weird gold glow to it and she just stood there, no emotion.

"What have you done...?"

"Poor Clara Oswald, forced to hide what she feels for an alien who can't even notice love. Ever since you stopped talking to her because of these caves, she's changed too. Do you like what you see though Doctor, Clara broken because of you?"

"No and now I'm going to reverse the process." He held up his sonic, causing it to make a really high pitched sound. Discord covered his ears while the Doctor quickly grabbed Clara and ran away with her.


I'm sorry for the really short updates...

Seven Question Marks left until Christmas! ;P

You got that right?

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