What Are You Now?

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So it's not a prompt, but this line helped from Madamina:

"So that's it then? You have destroyed planets and saved them, but here's where you give up?"

It gave me the simple idea. The Doctor finally gives up on everything and Clara is witnesses the whole thing.

This is Peter's Doctor btw.

So some swearing too.


It started very slowly, the Doctor giving up. Clara never really noticed it, since he was always liked traveling. But now, she realizes it. She realizes that he has stopped. No color in his face, just a darker shade of his old self. It was about time she decided to ask him.

"Doctor." Clara called him as he was reading a book on physics.

"Yes Clara?" He asked.

"How come you don't like adventuring anymore?" He stopped reading and out the book down to stand up and face Clara.

"It's just that we're taking a break that's all." He lied.

"A break. Doctor, it's been one year now." She pointed out.

"Look, it's just that I don't want to right now." He explained.

"So that's it then? You have destroyed planets and saved them, but here is where you just give up?" She countered, somehow, just somehow, snapping a nerve in him.

"I JUST DON'T WANT TO SO STOP PESTERING ME GODDAMMIT!" He smacked her in the face, pushing her to the rail. She held it tightly and shakily stood up. What happened to her Doctor?

"Fine," Clara replies in a shaky and quiet voice, "But answer me this Doctor. What are you now?" She pushed him away and walked towards her room, tears falling slowly.


After a few hours of thinking about her question in his room, the Doctor decided to check on her and apologize for being such an arse.

"Clara?" He knocked on her door, but it pushed open automatically. Inside, there was no Clara but instead a note.

Dear Doctor or Whoever You Are Now,

I hope you will decide who you are. I'll be waiting. I won't do decide for you. As Emily said, you have a sliver of ice your two hearts. Maybe she's right.

Your Companion or Used to Be,



Part 2 and the prompts you dudes sent in will be coming up soon.

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