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We interrupt Caves of Truth with this story! This is an AU, and since you guys wanted another chapter with Amy, you got it. However, she will be in the Wait... I'm Pregnant story, which is already been posted for a while.. She's just not in it. Yet.

One last thing. Check out my new story, Return of The Eleventh! :)


"Daddy, why-" a certain floppy haired man silenced his daughter with a 'Shh' as he showed her what he was going to give to the little girl's mummy.

"Amy, don't tell mummy that I'm going to give this to her, it's our little secret." Amy nodded and continued to look at the present.

"Wow daddy, it's so pretty! Will I get one when I'm big?" The dad nodded.

"Doctor! Are you guys decorating the tree or messing it up?" A voice called the from the kitchen, which was none other than the mum of Amy.

"No Clara, I'm just pointing which presents are Amy's!" The Doctor replied.

"Okay then! Can you tell Amy to come to the kitchen?"

"You heard mummy, go talk to her! Cause I know I don't." He added, looking at the present one more time before hiding it underneath the sofa.

"Coming mummy!"


"Dinner is ready!" Clara called and the two came dashing in, Amy first.

"You beat me!" The Doctor said, quickly getting into his chair, but first staring at the food in front of him, one in particular.

"What? Is there something on the food?" She looked at he was looking at, which was the souffle.

"It's just-" But Amy beat him to it.


"I got it right this time sweetheart." She said before giving the Doctor a mean glare. He returned it with a: 'I-didn't-say-anything!' look.


In the end, the last part was to open presents. The Doctor got a bow tie set from Clara and a sweet little card from Amy. Amy got what she wanted, a mini sonic pen like her father's. Clara also got a card from Amy, but the Doctor saved his for last.

"Mummy, daddy has something for you!" Amy announced, still jumping as if she was on crack. The Doctor shyly handed her a velvet box, which revealed a beautiful sapphire necklace.

"Oh my... This is... How did you afford this?" Clara asked as the Doctor took it from the box and placed it around Clara's neck.

"Mummy, you and Daddy are underneath the mistletoe!" Amy said, pointing at the little planet hanging from above. The two quickly kissed, closing the gap. However released when Amy broke the romance.

"Ewwwwwwwww, Auntie Rose didn't say that's what you do if you are under the mistletoe!!" Amy looked away in disgust.

"Come here you!" The Doctor scooped up Amy and kissed her on the cheek.

It was the best first Christmas ever.

The Soufflés That Got Burnt (Whouffle One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now