I Would Never (Part 1)

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"Doctor! What are you doing?" Clara asked as he picked her up and left the TARDIS, without saying a single word.

"Doctor, let me go!" She exclaimed, but instead he took her to an abandoned building not to far from where the TARDIS was.

"Why hello there! How are you today?" Someone greeted them from the inside. A light turned on and it showed someone in a crisp suit, smiling in a way that clearly said: I'm insane.

"I was having a pleasant day." Clara said sarcastically as the Doctor put her down.

"Oh, you must have noticed the Doctor strange behavior. Only cause I made it possible. Remember Paris? Yea, that was me who caused the mess and was able to make him... My slave, in a discreet way."

"Who the hell are you?" Clara asked, looking between her and the Doctor.

"I'm the daughter of the fantastic Jim Moriarty. I'm Lucia Moriarty."

"Jim Moriarty... Wasn't he the great consulting criminal?" Clara said, looking at her. They had some similarities, if you looked closely.

"Correct! Someone has been studying their history. But anyway, you're probably wondering how the hell do I know who the Doctor is or why I did this. It's just cause my father accidentally did something that sorta called the Doctor in before. He defeated him and ever since, he tried to track him. Never was able to. I on the other hand, was at the correct time and place."

"So how did you get him to... Become your slave?"

"Used a drug. Makes the person who smells it become suggestive and will not do anything else unless I say. Since well... I was the first one to make him do something. But anyway! The reason I brought you down here was to... Kill you." She explained, taking out a dagger.


"Because, I can make myself look like you and get into his box." She gave the dagger to the Doctor, who absently took it. "Kill her." He instantly pushed her into the nearest wall and had the dagger held up, ready to strike.


I'm sorry I gave you a cliff hanger, I needed to post something, so I'm really sorry...

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