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News got out that someone bought off the company, and so, everyone at work was busy gossiping among themselves, wondering just what kind of deal the head received to have decided to sell off his family office work that has been passed down for ages.

It must be a one hell of a deal.

But Mrs. L/n was not in a good mood. Her own son had ran off somewhere to god knows where and now, she was given less opportunities at her workplace.

As if life can't get any worse, her husband announced how he was fired and was jobless for the meantime. So, their whole living expenses were depended on her.

Her son, M/n. . . He should be a doctor and study abroad, to at least put less burden on their shoulders. That was why they conceived him, it was to be successful on their behalf.

It was a selfish move of hers as a mother, admittedly, she has never recalled spending quality time with her own son. She couldn't afford that. They were forcing their own dreams onto him and perhaps, it never did strike to her that it was wrong.

He's their child, he has a responsibility too.

But now, he was gone. Disappeared. Left. And she wonders, where did she go wrong? Was this the consequences of their actions? But why? She just wanted to be rich, to be known, to have a status of her own.

Even if she has to sacrifice her son in the process, it will be worth it, right? Who wants to work for an office forever?

And now, her useless husband was depending on her as well.

M/n left and their future is basically at a dead end.

"The new head is here!"

They all quickly composed themselves to look more presentable to give off a good first impression. But what Mrs. L/n saw next made her reconsider all of her life choices.

"This is a nice chair." A voice spoke up. All eyes looked at the person seated on one of the newest office chairs. It was a male who was way younger than their expectations. It was a blonde with classical glasses, he was on a casual suit that seems very costly.

Of course, Mrs. L/n recognized him very well.

"Kim Joon Goo, it's nice to meet you!" Their boss bowed slightly in a sign of respect. The blonde only waved him off.

"I just dropped by to check out the office. It's a pretty old building." Goo noted, looking around with a shrug and a line on his mouth.

"If you don't mind me asking, how old are you, sir?"


An echo of gasps rang through the office. "That's really young!"

Goo, once again, ignored them. So what if he's young? He just gathered his properties once he turned 19 since it's the legal age for businesses. He may be young but he worked his way up to where he is now.

Tilting his head to look past the big heads, he spotted a familiar face and the reason why he decided to mess around with his money a little.

"Oh, Mrs. L/n! It's nice to see you here." He greeted loudly, not in a very polite manner. "How's your son?"

The woman felt like her teeth was going to break by how hard she was clenching her jaw.

"Or rather, you should ask me that." Goo innocently added. "Don't you want to know how M/n is doing?"

Right in front of her colleagues. Does he have no shame at all?

Murmurs started surrounding the office by the tension that felt like they were going to suffocate at any moment now. Goo didn't mind at all, in fact, this may have been his intentions in the first place. He likes putting on a show.

At this point, the woman was fuming. She was practically emitting smoke.

"Then, let me ask you this. How does it feel to have a jobless husband? Is the responsibility too heavy?" He brought up insensitively. "Well, too bad." He grinned.

And it all made sense now.

Behind her husband's sudden loss of job and her son's disappearance. Goo was the root of it all.

Feeling the sudden urge to raise her hand in attempt to hit him by a subconscious instinct. She miserably missed as Goo effortlessly tilted his head back before grinning.

"You only know how to talk with your hand, don't you? But I'm afraid I won't let you lay a single hand on anyone anymore, especially M/n." The blonde said, making sure that the audience at the back could hear them loud and clear.

She was screwed.

"Why are you doing this?" Mrs. L/n finally spoke up. "Why are you trying to ruin my family?" She demanded, shaking slightly, revealing herself to be not as much of a strong woman as she made herself appear as.

The blonde arched a brow before his grin only stretched further. "No reason." He simply replied happily. "I guess I just had the money to spare."

She could guess that it didn't even hurt a single coin in his pockets.

Goo moved closer, whispering something. "Hey, If I hit you with a keyboard right now, do you think it would count as a self-defense?"

Best choice was to force resignation.


"Hey, M/n, how did you get home the other day?" Zoe and the rest gathered at one table by the cafeteria, they were casually talking, and M/n was snacking on his milk buns until they brought up a topic concerning him.

"Hm?" M/n swallowed first before talking. "Well, the person I called did show up. And he helped me home." He explained, remembering that day.

"Really? But your parents were looking for you yesterday." Jace chimed in, casting a glance at M/n as he tries searching some expression that the boy might give off accidentally.

But M/n seemed trained to keep his face calm at all times.

"I went home." He repeated a little more carefully. "I never considered their house as my home."

Now, it only spiked them curiosity by his vague answers. Sure, they were aware by how strict and controlling his parents were. But perhaps, it never spiked to them that M/n had problems of his own. He was just not so. . . Expressive.

But luckily now, he was learning to express more.

And either way, they still see him as their friend.

"It must be a tough topic." Vasco came into conclusion. Everyone had problems of their own and this was M/n's sensitive topic of problem. "Let's talk about my new TV, have you seen it?"

Zack's sweat dropped and shook his head. "What about your TV."

M/n smiled as they went into discussion about Vasco's accidental nude pic that showed his reflection on the new TV. It was amusing and helped him get his mind off internal crisis.

He wonders what Goo is doing now.

✓ sweet but a psycho ; kim joon gooWhere stories live. Discover now