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the following week, the first day of school for the twins and i, and i was sitting in a chair, waiting for my escort to come and give me the tour of the school, even though i remember everything about it. the twins were already off with theirs, but apparently mine was just getting out of football practice. i was scrolling through my phone, seeing a ton of pictures from the weekend. 

"miss chambers?" the office lady asked. i looked up, seeing rafe entering the office. "your escort is here." 

"oh god," i said and threw my head back. 

"oh come on," rafe laughed. "don't act like you don't wanna spend the day with me." 

i narrowed my eyes at him, "all day?" 

"yeah, we have every class together." he smiled. 

"can i please change my schedule?" i asked the office lady. 

"come on gracie," rafe put his arm around me. he smelled of strong deodorant and cologne. his hair was damp, falling in his face slightly. his face looked soft and smooth. "you can stop staring at me." he looked down at me as he excited the office. 

"i'm not." i pulled my eyes away. "you just need a haircut." 

"nah, i like my hair." he said. 

i pushed his arm off of me as i shook my head. 

"well thanks to you, i'm late to my first class on my first day back." 

he shrugged, "i didn't want to be gross. i was sweaty from practice this morning and needed to shower." 

"well i'd like to get to class..." i trailed and started walking down the hall. he reached out, grabbing my hand and spinning me back towards him. "what?" 

"we could go to class or we could skip and go to my truck." he smiled. 

"gross," i pushed him. "i'm not sleeping with you, ever." 

"that's kind of unfair you know, you slept with topper before you left." he said. i felt my face heat up as i locked my jaw. "nothing to say, gracie?"

"i only slept with topper because i wasn't sure how long i was going to be gone to iowa and i just wanted to lose it. it was topper, you, kelce or corn for my first time. topper was the lesser of all my evils." 

i watched his face soften, smiling at me. 

"do you like him? topper?" 

"what?" i raised my eyebrow.

"well, ever since the fifth grade, you guys have been basically inseparable." 

"my grandpa and his grandpa were bestfriends before mine passed a couple years back." i said. "his mom and my mom were friends for a little while. so naturally, we became friends." 

"whatever you say." he laughed. 

"can we just get to class?" i asked. "i'm tired of talking to you." 

"come on gracie." he put his arm around me, pulling me into his as we walked. 

"get off," i laughed. "and stop calling me gracie, no one calls me that." 

"okay, what about "bree?"" he asked. 


"your middle name is sabrina."

"i know what my middle name is, but why a nickname off that?" i asked. "no, hold on, why a nickname at all?" 

"it's cute," he shrugged with a smile, pulling the classroom door open. "ladies first." 

baby blue • rafe cameronWhere stories live. Discover now