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a couple days later and rafe hadn't budged from my hospital room. my mom and dad had passed through, but never at the same time, or with the twins.

"okay," rafe smiled, placing his uno card down on the small table. "draw two."

"oh?" i asked and placed another draw two down. he looked up at me, gasping.

"are you cheating?"

i smiled, watching him as he grabbed four cards from the stack. i'd felt better, but only a little bit. the medication was helping with the pain and my eyes still burned, along with my head constantly pounding, but i'd distracted rafe by pretending that i was distracted too. i wasn't though, i knew that within the next twenty four hours, we'd get the lab results back and they'd say exactly what i think they did.

"are you okay?" rafe asked, looking at me.

"yeah, i'm just a bit tired." i told him. "can we take a break?"

"yeah, yeah," he nodded, placing the cards face down. i did the same as he moved the table as the door opened. we both looked over, seeing topper walk through the door, with a bouquet of flowers.

"topper?" rafe asked, but it sounded more like a surprised statement.

"hey," he said softly, looking between the two of us. "i, uh...i called misses chambers and she said i could come by. i bought some flowers."

"thanks," i smiled as he moved over. rafe grabbed the flowers, moving them to a table by the window.

"how are you feeling?" he asked, pushing his hands in his pocket.

"oh, i'm feeling great." i smiled, joking. "i'm really closing my apple watch rings lately."

he let out a small laugh, looking down at his face before i heard a small sniffle. i let my smile fade, watching him. he looked up at me and tears were already sliding down his face.

"sorry, i just..." he trailed, wiping his face.

"knock knock." i heard doctor stewart's voice. she walked around the corner, smiling. she looked at topper. "hello."

"hi, uh, sorry," he said.

"you a friend of gracelynn's?"

"yeah," he nodded. "i'm topper."

"come on, top." rafe said. "she's got to do a check up."

they moved out of the room as she moved over to me.

"how are you feeling?"

"okay," i nodded. "i think the medication is starting to wear off though."

she looked at the clock, "yeah, it's about that time."

she checked my breathing and my pulse before gathering my medicine. she helped me take it.

"do you need to use the bathroom?"

"rafe helped me a little while ago." i told her.

"that's great, how about some food?"

"no," i shook my head. "i'm not hungry."

"okay," she nodded. "the lab called and they said they'll be sending over your results soon, so i'm going to go ahead and call your parents and have them head over, okay? do you want me to ask rafe and topper to stay out in the hall?"

"actually," i said. "can you just tell me first? like by myself? and then tell my parents?"

she took a breath and nodded, "yeah, we can do that. i'm still going to call them over here though."

baby blue • rafe cameronWhere stories live. Discover now