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the following few days i'd spent in bed, brutally exhausted and with a pounding head. when i felt better, rafe planned a beach trip, for my entire family and him.

"okay, we've got lot of sodas and waters." rafe stated, shutting the cooler. "anything else?"

"i think that's all." my mom said, pulling the beach bag on her shoulder. "we can stop somewhere for food before or after, whatever."

"which beach are we even going to?" katie asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

"on duck island." rafe responded and grabbed one end of the cooler as beck grabbed the other.

"why all the way on duck?"

"why so many damn questions katie?" rafe joked, looking at her which made me laugh.

"i'm just saying!" she laughed.

"come on, help your sister down to the dock." my dad told her, grabbing my wheelchair.

"come on," i looped my arm with katie's. we walked out the backdoor and through the yard, down to our dock. she helped me get on the boat and seated before she took her own seat.

"are you feeling okay?" she asked.

"yeah, i'm okay today, i think i just over did it the other day."

"are you sure you should be doing this then?"

"no," i smiled as i shook my head. "but i want to."

"why did he choose duck island?" she asked, still confused.

"if you question my choices again, you're going to get pushed off the boat." rafe said as he and beck lifted the cooler on to the boat. they bother climbed on as my parents followed. they all took seat, except for my dad who started it up, untying it and taking off.

"this is nice." rafe nodded. "family beach trip."

"yeah, family beach trip and you." katie rolled her eyes.

"hey," i laughed and leaning over, tugging a strand of her hair. "stop being annoying."

she smiled at me and shook her head.

"this is going to be a long day." beck mumbled, slouching as rafe moved his arm around me.


when we got to duck island, we parked the boat and tied it up.

"here," rafe squatted in front of me. i jumped on his back as he situation his hands under my thighs, holding on firmly.

"beckett, honey, grab the other side of the cooler." my mom said as she handed the beach bag to katie, grabbing one side of the cooler.

"race you slow pokes down there!" rafe smiled and took off towards the beach. i laughed, holding on to him tight. he got down to a good spot, dropping my feet gently against the sand as i turned, looking around, seeing the area filled with dogs in the water.

"oh my god," i said and stopped, watching them run around with each other. "dogs?"

i looked to rafe as he smiled, "your mom said i couldn't get you a corgi and today is a dog day on the beach here, so i figured maybe i could knock out two birds with one stone. a dog and a beach day."

i laughed as a small dog ran over to me with a ball in its mouth. i dropped to my knees, petting the dog as it placed the ball down in front of me.

"i'm so sorry," a girl said, hurrying over. i looked up at her, smiling. "this is her first time, she's a little confused."

baby blue • rafe cameronWhere stories live. Discover now