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"okay," i laughed and tossed a grape towards rafe, letting him trying to fetch it in his mouth. he flew past him, landing in the water behind him.

"you suck at throwing."

"you suck at catching." i smiled, placing one in my mouth. i pulled another one off.

"i haven't gotten a single one in my mouth, because of you." he said.

"oh you poor baby." i leaned forward, holding it up to his mouth. he opened as i placed it inside, pushing his mouth shut.

he chuckled, chewing it as i shifted into a more comfortable position. it fell quiet as i looked out of the water resting behind our houses.

"hey, i know you already said you didn't want to party or do anything, but sarah is throwing a party tonight..." rafe trailed as i looked back over at him. "we don't have to, we can chill at your house or go shopping for your bedroom, whatever you want to do..."

"we?" i asked. "rafe, you don't have to hang out with me. you can go to your sisters party and i'll chill at my house with my parents or something."

"well maybe i like hanging out with you."

"i'm not sleeping with you."

"i wasn't going to try, i just like the new you, too." he shrugged. "you're more vocal and you're funny. you're not so uptight like you used to be."

"i was pretty anal about things freshman year."

"no kidding," he rolled his eyes.

"well, there is this mattress warehouse thing that's open all night. i thought about going to get one with my dad's truck, you know, something to sleep on."

"how about, we take my truck and go and get you whatever you want?" he suggested.

i nodded, "sounds like a plan."

"was topper really supposed to help you with your room?"

"i mean, i told him we could do it together, but i'm kind of glad you showed up first." i shrugged. "topper is still stuck on the version of me that i hate."

he nodded, "i'm glad i showed up first too. i got to see you half naked."

"you ruined it." i threw a grape at his face.

"of course the one time i'm not catching, you throw it correctly." he laughed before stopping. "wait, ruined what?"

i paused, looking at him as my face got hot.

"oh, did we just have another moment?" he asked. "damn it."

"stop." i said and tried to push him but he caught my hand and yanked me towards him. my body fell on his as he laid back on the dock. i was hovered over him, looking into his eyes. i felt my heart start to pound as i swallowed. "i, uh..." i tried to pull away but he stopped me.

"don't, don't pull away." he said softly, sitting up slightly, leaving our faces really close.

"i just..."

he shook his head and grabbed my face with one hand as he wrapped the other around my waist, pulling me into a soft kiss. i barely hesitated before i let him pull me completely on to his lap. i moved so my knees touched the dock on either side of his waist. our lips moved in sync. i felt his hand move from my waist over my butt, holding my thigh. i pushed my hands through his hair as my stomach did a flip. he pushed me down, letting my back hit the towel i had spread out. i wrapped my legs around his waist as he pushed his body against mine roughly.

baby blue • rafe cameronWhere stories live. Discover now