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the next morning when we woke up, my mom ushered us out to breakfast and then off to glacier hike tour. which, confused all of us, but we all went along with it, to make her happy.

"it's so cold." rafe complained.

"you're wearing two sweaters and two jackets," i said. "you really are a baby."

"you really are annoying." he flashed a smile at me.

we all followed the tour guides, the adults listening intently, the girls taking pictures, beck jamming to his music through his airpods, topper and kelce laughing about whatever, and then rafe and i, in the back.

"i don't even understand any of this." he said. "like what the hell is glacier hiking?"

"maybe if you paid attention to the tour guides, you'd know."

"you're not paying attention."

"because i don't care."

"well i've got a surprise for us tonight," he told me. "just us two."

"now i'm scared." i narrowed my eyes.

"you'll love it, i promise."

"you're not taking me horseback riding again, are you?'

"well i wasn't tonight, but..." he trailed. "i've got an appointment to cancel."

he pulled his phone out as i stopped him, placing my hand on his.

"i was kidding." i said. "when are we riding horses?"

"tomorrow," he smiled. "bright and early, then i have another surprise after."

"why so many surprises?"

"because i know that if i tell you, you'll complain and try and get out of it."

"that's not true."

"it is," he nodded and put his arm around me. "it's very true."

i looked up at him as we both slowed to a stop. he turned, keeping his arm around me.

"what?" i asked. "we're going to get left behind."

"your mom talked to me last night after you fell asleep."

"about what?"


"what about us?"

"lynn i-"

"hey, slow pokes, let's go!" beck yelled as we looked over, seeing him and my mom waiting.

"come on," i said to rafe and continued over to them.

"it feels great out here." my mom smiled, hooking her arm with mine.

"yeah, it feels nice." i nodded. i looked over at rafe who was walking with beck, watching me. i was curious, what was he going to say?

"oh man, look at this view." my mom said. i looked over as she pointed, seeing a waterfall.

"looks beautiful."


"okay, be careful." rafe said, his hands over my eyes as he guided me.

"are we close?" i laughed.

"very," he said. "just a few more steps."

"im starting to get dizzy." i told him.

"okay, okay, we're here." he said as i reached up, pulling his hands from my eyes. i looked in front of me. i saw a blanket laid out, with a picnic basket, some bottles poking out and some towels stacked. there were fairy lights hung from the few surrounding trees, allowing for some light. there was a small waterfall, trickling into a hot spring.

baby blue • rafe cameronWhere stories live. Discover now