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"okay, here are the keys." my mom said, passing them out as i let my eyes wander around the hotel lobby, the nice, large windows and beautiful snowy pictures on the walls. people shifting around us, getting to where they were going. the employees with big smiles on their faces. there were a group of teenagers on the couches, laughing and talking. two women crowded around a laptop, looking at pictures they'd taken of their trip so far.

"hey, you okay?" rafe nudged me. i looked over.

"yeah, i'm okay, just observing." i shrugged.

"you decide who you're bunking with?"

"yeah, beck and i made a deal on the plane, he's going to bunk with you guys and i'm going to bunk with my parents." i shrugged.

"oh come on, you chose your parents over me?" he asked.

"yeah, i did." i smiled.

"boring." he boo'd.

"come on guys," my mom started guiding us to the elevators. the girls rode up in one, then the adults, leaving topper, rafe, beck, kelce and i to ride up in the last one.

"wow, this is cramped." beck groaned, moving and pushing me against the wall.

"get off of me you hobo." i pushed him slightly.

"you're the one dressed like that!" he pointed to my sweats.

"i'm comfortable, that was a long plane ride."

"that was a long plane ride." he mocked me as i rolled my eyes, pushing his face.

"can we keep it civil in the cramped elevator?" rafe asked

"can we keep it civil." beck and i both mocked.

"oh, seriously?" he asked.

"yeah, seriously." i laughed.

"we have an entire week of this." topper sighed, looking to kelce.

i narrowed my eyes at the back of his head as beckett started laughing really hard.

"what are you laughing at?" rafe asked, confused.

"this vacation is so fucked already." he wiped his face, still laughing as the elevator stopped, opening up.

"that's not even my fault." i stated, giving topper a dirty look as i pushed out of the elevator with my bag. i walked down the hall, seeing my mom holding the door open. i walked past her, letting her pull the door shut.

"you okay?" she asked.

"yeah," i nodded and dropped my stuff on the empty bed.

"we're going out to get food, so get changed, okay?" my mom suggested.

"yeah," i nodded and pulled my suitcase open. i grabbed a pair of jeans and a nice sweater. i went into the bathroom, changing and putting my folded clothes on the bed. i slipped my shoes back on as i pulled my hair from the ponytail.

"god, you've got crazy hair, come on." my mom motioned, pulling out the chair at the desk. i moved, sitting down in it as she ran the brush through my hair. "are you feeling nervous? you want your meds before we go out?"

"i'm okay," i told her. "but can you put them in your purse? just in case?"

"yeah, of course." she smiled as she continued brushing my hair. there was a pounding on the door as she came to a stop. my dad pulled it open, revealing my brother and his bag.

"nope, i can't sleep in there." he laughed, pulling his bag in. "i'm bunking with you gracelynn."

"what?" i turned. "what happened?"

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