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later that week, my mom and i were in the kitchen, sat on front of her laptop, looking at places where we wanted to go for spring break in a couple weeks. we all had off school and my mom was ready to get back into the full kook lifestyle.

"alright, so iceland it is." my mom pressed on the plane tickets. she arrowed up until it read ten.

"woah, why are you buying ten tickets?" i laughed, stopping her by placing my hand on hers. "i suck at math, but there's only five of us."

she took a breath before looking at me, "honey..."

"no, no, no, mom who else is coming?" i whined.

"well, actually, it'll be us, the cameron's, the thorton's, the carrera's and kelce and his mother."

"oh my god!" i yelled. "why?"

"us adults met at the club yesterday and decided that it would be fun." she shrugged. "i offered to buy the cameron's tickets "

"mom," i begged. "please let me stay home then."

"this is a family trip."

"exactly, so why are four other families coming with us?"

"this isn't up for discussion, you're coming and so are they."

"who am i sharing a room with?" i asked.

"i figured, you, sarah, katie, kie, noelle and wheezie could all bunk together."

"oh hell no," i shook my head. "i'm not staying in a room with a bunch of girls."

"would you like to stay with rafe and topper?"

"those are my choices?" i asked. "rafe and topper, or the girls?"

"well yeah, kelce and his mom are getting a room, beckett agreed to bunk with us, rose and ward are sharing with topper's parents. you can sleep with beckett too if you want."

i dropped by head back as i sighed, "i'll just decide when we get there i guess."

"great," she smiled and pressed the purchase button.

i got up, walking around the counter to get a drink as the back door opened. my mom and i both looked over as i grabbed a water from the fridge, seeing rafe with a platter.

"hey misses chambers." rafe smiled and pushed the door closed. "rose asked me to bring these over to thank you for the plane tickets."

he crossed the room as i watched him. his big hands holding tight to the platter as he moved swiftly, the smile never budging from his face. he had a hat on, some sports team i think.

"oh, what a nice thing to do." my mom smiled and stood, grabbing it from him. she looked down. "cookies!"

"what kind?" i asked, lifting my chin as rafe looked over at me, smiling wider, if possible.

"all kinds, sugar, chocolate chip, peanut butter, oatmeal..." he trailed. "she's spent all day making them."

"sugar cookies?" i asked as my mom placed the platter down. i reached over, grabbing one, taking a bite and feeling the warmth in my mouth.

"and?" rafe asked.

"i'm going to my room." i replied and hurried around the counter and up the stairs. i got to my room, tossing my water on my bed as i took another bite of the cookie. i went over to my closet, pulling my suitecase out. i unzipped it, finishing the cookie. i wiped my hands on my pants before turning to look in my closet, deciding what i even wanted to pack for the trip. sure, i had plenty of time, but if i didn't do it now, i probably wouldn't until right before we needed to leave.

baby blue • rafe cameronWhere stories live. Discover now