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the following morning, after rafe and i had gotten up at the crack of dawn to ride horses, he took me out to a later breakfast.

"these waffles are amazing." he told me, stuffing a fork full in his mouth.

"i can see that." i laughed. "take a second to breathe rafe."

"we have lots to do today." he swallowed, taking a sip of his orange juice.

"what else do you have planned? and how did you do all of this last minute?"

"i'm not telling you, and i just got lucky i guess." he smiled.

"where are we going after this?" i asked, taking a bite of my waffle.

"you're not claustrophobic, are you?"

"i don't...not really." i shrugged. "but i still don't like tight spaces, rafe."

"it's not a tight space, i promise, but it's recommended not to go if you're claustrophobic."

"just tell me." i begged.

"we're going on an ice cave tour."

"are you sure you won't be too cold?" i asked, poking fun at him.

"you know, i'm trying to be a good boyfriend and put up with your attitude today, but you're getting on my nerves." he joked as i smiled, watching him and realizing he'd called himself my boyfriend.

"boyfriend, huh?" i asked, looking into his eyes across the table.

"oh," he scratched the back of his head. "if you didn't want to label this, that's okay...i just assumed because of last night that-"

"shut up." i shook my head and laughed. "i just thought it was cute."

"so...does that make this, like, official?"

"rafe, you're over complicating all of this."

"well, i just want to make sure that this is all what you want." he shrugged, looking at me. i took an easy breath, realizing how perfect rafe actually was. he cared, he cared about me and wanted to make sure i was okay.

"this is what i want." i nodded which made him smile. "it's perfect."

"i know i am." he shrugged as i laughed.

"let's not get cocky now." i narrowed my eyes.

"would you just eat?" he laughed.


after the cave tour, we met up with everyone else at the hotel. my mom wanted to go to some blue lagoon thing. i was in my parents room, sarah was sat on the bed in front of me as i braided her hair.

"me next," kie smiled and sat next to me.

"you guys need to learn how to braid your own heads." i told them, tying sarah's ends in a hair tye. "up." i told her. she moved, letting kie move in front of me. she handed me her brush. i took it, running it gently through her hair.

"you know, the point of you girls having your own room, was so you'd do all this girly stuff in there." beck scoffed as he exited the bathroom. "or at the very least, you could've done this in rafe and gracelynn's room."

"rafe's getting changed in there." i said. "just suck it up."

he rolled his eyes, dropping on our parent's bed.

"what's going on with you and rafe anyway?" my sister asked, leaning forward as sarah glanced over, waiting for an answer.

"nothing, it doesn't matter." i shook my head, wanting them to leave me alone. i just wanted this nice thing with rafe to be between us, at least for a little while.

baby blue • rafe cameronWhere stories live. Discover now