twenty two

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"okay, so i talked to that regan lady and she managed to get the club owner to throw a midsummers party, but a little early this year." rafe said as he stood across the kitchen. "they're calling it the chambers banquet."

"really?" my mom asked.

"yeah, and, even better, they're doing it tonight." he smiled.

"oh my god!" i laughed as i watched him from my stool. "that's fantastic!"

"so, i'm taking you shopping, we have matching dress wear to get." he told me.

i groaned, "that's so much work. can't i just wear my dress from last year?"

"you're going." my mom pulled out her debit card, handing it to rafe. "don't worry about price."

"thanks misses chambers." he smiled as she moved out of the kitchen.

"come on, you love torturing me with shopping trips."

"no, it's always been the other way around." i laughed.

"well, i already text topper and hails, they're meeting us at hailey's mom's store in twenty minutes."

i laughed, "i love you."

"i love you too, now get up!"


"okay, what about this one?" hailey held up a peach dress.

"no way," i shook my head. "i want a darker color."

"black?" she grabbed another one.

"how about this one?" rafe asked, walking over with a beautiful dark blue, silk dress.

hailey grabbed it, checking the size.

"it's your size." she looked at me.

"i love it." i nodded.

"try it on." she handed it to me. i went into the dressing room, changing into the dress.

"zip me," i said and stepped out. hailey zipped the dress as i looked in the mirror, tilting my head as the dress hugging my body.

"it's looks amazing." rafe said as i looked at him through the mirror. his eyes were on the dress, on my body.

i looked to hailey as she smiled, "i think that's your dress."

"me too," i nodded. i got changed out of it, letting her put it behind the counter.

"now we need something for you boys." hailey said.

"what about you?"

"i've already got my dress." she shrugged. "i get first picks."

"totally unfair." i rolled my eyes. she laughed, looking to topper.

"what color you want to wear?"

"i don't really care." he shrugged.

she reached over, grabbing a beige suite.

"i'll take it." he grabbed it, putting it over by my dress.

"and now to mister drama queen." i laughed, looking to rafe.

"you're the one who just took an hour to decided if you wanted a short or long dress!" he fought back, laughing.

"here," hailey grabbed a light blue suite.

"that doesn't match her dress though." he said.

"just hold on," she pushed it in his hands. she grabbed a tie and a hanker chief, both of which had the perfect dark blue to match my dress.

baby blue • rafe cameronWhere stories live. Discover now