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the following morning, i was still sleeping peacefully, curled up on the couch with my sister where we'd fallen asleep to a movie. that was until i felt someone shaking me. i jumped slightly, letting my eyes open. i looked up, confused to see rafe standing there. i looked over, out the back doors to see it was still dark out.

"what the hell are you doing at my house in the middle of the night?" i asked, looking back to rafe.

"i told you, bright and early." he smiled.

"it's not bright, it's still dark."

"it's five a.m." he said.

"five a.m.?" i asked, a little too loudly which made katie shift with a groan.

"shh, you're going to wake the beast." he smiled. "come on, we have a room to paint."

"no," i groaned, pulling the blanket back over me.

"nope," he said and pulled the blanket off, tossing it on the floor.

"no," i whined. "rafe, i'm tired."

"i don't care." he said and pulled me up. i tried to wiggle from his grip, but he just grabbed me, throwing me over his shoulder.

"rafe," i groaned. "please."

"no protesting." he said and moved up the stairs. "we're finishing the paint so we can decorate it."

"i hate you."

"no you don't." he walked down the hall to my bedroom. he slipped my body down, letting my feet hit the tarp. he had his hands rested on my hips as i looked up at him. our eyes brushed paths before i pulled back.

"let me change and brush my teeth at least." i said and moved past him to my bathroom. i pushed the door shut and leaned my back against it, stifling a yawn, covering my mouth. i grabbed some shorts and a tank top from the small pile of clothes i still had. i changed into them, wiping on deodorant. i brushed my teeth and fixed my hair on top of my head before spritzing perfume.

i walked out and rafe was already pushing a roller against the wall, with no shirt on. i touched my chest, still feeling some residue of the paint from yesterday. i'd scrubbed myself and still wasn't able to get it all off.

i walked over, grabbing a brush, dipping it in the paint before walking over to him.

"you missed a spot." i smiled, wrapping my arm to wipe it across his chest in a small line. he turned quickly, grabbing my wrist tightly as i laughed.

"we're already starting this?" he asked.

"it was only fair for throwing me in the pool. i'm ready to call a truce."

"buy me lunch and it's a deal."

"deal," i held out my hand. he placed his in mine, shaking it.

"now get your ass to work." he leaned closer. the proximity of his face to mine shocked me for a second as i stood, frozen. i looked from his eyes to his lips, back up to his eyes. i watched him search mine before i pulled away.

"same goes for you, cameron." i said.

"do you like it?" he asked.

"like what?"

"my last name?"

"if you same something cheesy i will one hundred percent, kick you in the shin."

"you're a monster when you wake up."

"it's five a.m. rafe, everyone is a monster at this house."

"your dad wasn't, he was really joyful."

baby blue • rafe cameronWhere stories live. Discover now